2022 April formal enforcements

Fire Safety Order issued to 19 and 19A Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle

(DA 158-7-2005) Newcastle LGA

On 21 April 2022, the department issued a Fire Safety Order to the owners of 19 and 19A Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle, to remove identified external wall panels on the building consisting of Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP). ACP is combustible and poses a fire safety risk. The owners are required to replace the ACP with a non-combustible product and provide an inspection report issued by an accredited certifier, certifying that the replacement panels and method of installation comply with the Building Code of Australia. The owners are required to develop and implement fire safety measures to reduce the fire safety risks associated with the cladding until the rectification work is complete.

Fire Safety Order issued to 7 Lardelli Drive, Ryde

(MP10_0189) Ryde LGA

On 21 April 2022, the department issued a Fire Safety Order to the owners of 7 Lardelli Drive, Ryde, to remove identified external wall panels on the building consisting of Biowood Cladding Panels (BCP). BCP is combustible and poses a fire safety risk. The owners are required to replace the BCP with a non-combustible product and provide an inspection report issued by an accredited certifier, certifying that the replacement panels and method of installation comply with the Building Code of Australia. The owners are required to develop and implement fire safety measures to reduce the fire safety risks associated with the cladding until the rectification work is complete.

UPDATE: August 2024 – the works required under this order have now been completed.

Official Caution issued to ATB Morton Pty Ltd

(MP07_0094) Port Stephens LGA

On 14 April 2022, the department issued an Official Caution to ATB Morton Pty Ltd for failing to review, revise and resubmit an updated rehabilitation bond to the department within three months of completing the 2020 Independent Environmental Audit, for the Salt Ash Sand Quarry. ATB Morton are now working with the department to submit an updated rehabilitation bond.

Penalty Notice issued to ATB Morton Pty Ltd

(MP07_0094) Port Stephens LGA

On 14 April 2022, the department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to ATB Morton Pty Ltd for failing to implement the Landscape Management Plan (LMP) at the Salt Ash Sand Quarry. ATB Morton had failed to record nest box inspections and maintenance in the Annual Reviews and failed to undertake rehabilitation monitoring by a qualified ecologist. Preclearance surveys were also outside the two-week timeframe as noted in the LMP. ATB Morton are now working with the department to review and revise the LMP and implement the required procedures.

Official Caution issued to Richard Crookes Constructions Pty Limited

(SSD-6471) Sydney LGA

On 14 April 2022, the department issued an Official Caution to Richard Crookes Construction (RCC) for failure to carry out the development generally in accordance with the development consent for the Sydney Modern Gallery. RCC erected 13 demountable structures which did not form part of the development application. RCC are required to reinstate the disturbed area once the demountable structures are removed.