2022 July formal enforcements

Penalty Notice issued to Macka’s Sand Pty Ltd

(MP08_0142) Port Stephens LGA

On 7 July 2022, the department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to Mackas Sand Pty Ltd (Mackas), for failing to comply with the requirements of the Landscape Management Plan (LMP). Mackas was unable to provide evidence that pre-clearance surveys as required by the LMP had been conducted and failed to consistently implement topsoil stockpile management measures as required by the LMP. Mackas Sand Quarry has been working to improve record keeping practices across all aspects of its sand extraction operation and the department intends to continue to monitor this matter to ensure the development complies with the requirements of the LMP.

Official Caution issued to Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd

(SSD-8667) Goulburn Mulwaree LGA

On 12 July 2022, the department issued an Official Caution to Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd (Hansen Yuncken) for failing to undertake noise monitoring within two months of the commencement of operation of the Acute Services Building, at Goulburn Base Hospital, as required by the conditions of consent. Hansen Yuncken has subsequently undertaken the required noise monitoring which showed that noise levels comply with the relevant noise limits.