Broadmeadow Precinct Review

21 August 2023

On 5 August, NSW Premier Chris Minns directed The Cabinet Office to undertake an urgent review of governance, assurance and decision-making processes for the Broadmeadow Precinct project in the Hunter region.

The Broadmeadow regionally-significant growth area, also known as the Broadmeadow Precinct, is a nearly 300 hectare site that has been identified for urban renewal in Newcastle and will provide significant new housing and job opportunities over the next 20 years.

The Review found that there are no major issues with processes. It recommends that the pause on NSW Government work on precinct planning should be lifted to reduce delays and provide certainty to stakeholders and the community.

The review was conducted by The Cabinet Office and engaged Mr Chris Wilson, an independent planning expert, to provide independent advice on land use planning matters in the report. The Cabinet Office undertook detailed engagement directly with the Department of Planning and Environment and Newcastle City Council.

The Review made four recommendations to Government to ensure ongoing transparency and robust governance.

NSW Premier Chris Minns said:

"The Broadmeadow Precinct is an important regional development project which will deliver much needed housing to the Hunter region. The outcomes of this urgent and intensive review will give the community and stakeholders confidence in the processes around this critical work."

NSW Minister for Planning Paul Scully said:

"All four of the Review's recommendations will be enacted, and I am committed to seeing the urban renewal project in Broadmeadow – such a key growth area for the Hunter - come to fruition and kick-start urban renewal in the region.

"This project is based on incredible collaboration between Newcastle City Council and the Department of Planning and Environment, and it is important that, now the due diligence measures have been undertaken, that work can continue."

Review recommendations:

1. Task the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to recommence work on the Broadmeadow regionally significant growth area, including:

  • Implementing its proposed governance arrangements
  • Establishing the strategic land use planning framework.

2. Task the DPE Secretary with reporting quarterly to the Secretary's Board on Broadmeadow until a Delivery Plan is finalised.

3. Task the Minister for Planning to finalise the Structure Plan, Broadmeadow Place Strategy, Statement of Intended Effects for the State led rezoning together with a Delivery Plan for the Broadmeadow Precinct by Quarter 1, 2024.

4. Note that a Ministerial Direction will be issued to require future development to comply with the Broadmeadow Place Strategy.