Have your say on Sydney Football Stadium concert cap

11 August 2023

The community is being encouraged to have its say on a proposal to lift the concert cap at the Sydney Football Stadium at Moore Park.

NSW Department of Planning and Environment Executive Director Erica van den Honert said the applicant, Venues NSW, is seeking to increase the number of concerts permitted each year.

“Since 2002, the Sydney Cricket Ground and the Sydney Football Stadium have been allowed to host a maximum of six concerts each year, so we’re keen to hear the public’s views on potentially boosting this annual figure to 20,” Ms van den Honert said.

“A modification report is currently on exhibition, so I invite the community to take a look at the proposed changes and share their input by making a submission by 7 September 2023.”

Ms van den Honert said the applicant would need to respond to all feedback received as part of the Department’s rigorous assessment of the proposal.

“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process, so it’s important that any impacts on the local community, including noise and traffic, are considered and can be properly mitigated or managed,” she said.

Venues NSW wants to:

  • Increase the concert cap from 6 per year to 20 per year;
  • Increase rehearsal finish times and sound tests from 7pm to 10pm;
  • Increase the concert length from 5 hours to 10 hours to allow for ‘Live Aid’ style events twice a year; and
  • Include an exemption to the concert curfew to allow the Sydney Football Stadium to host the annual official Mardi Gras after-party.

No other changes are proposed - including to the normal 11pm concert curfew (with the exception of the Mardi Gras after-party), sporting events, maximum venue capacity of 55,500 patrons, or transport arrangements.

To review the modification report and to make a submission by 7 September 2023, visit: planningportal.nsw.gov.au/sfs-have-your-say