Simpler rules to help businesses boom

17 December 2021

The NSW Government is setting businesses up for success and recovery from the pandemic’s impacts by making it easier for them to grow and adapt.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Group Deputy Secretary of Planning and Assessment, Marcus Ray said businesses would be able to establish, change and grow without the need for lengthy planning approvals.

“Businesses of all shapes, sizes and sorts have struggled over the last two years as the pandemic has stripped them of customers and revenue,” Mr Ray said.

“We’ve tried to ease the impacts, and now we’re helping them recover by removing requirements and making it easier for businesses to do a whole lot more without needing to submit a development application.

“Whether it be extending their trading hours, setting up a click and collect bay in the car park, or changing the nature of their business altogether, we’ve made it easier for businesses to operate and innovate.”

Mr Ray said as long as they meet certain rules, businesses will be able to use a shorter cheaper approval pathway or may not need any approval at all.

“From your local corner store to bustling industrial hubs, these changes can make the planning system easier to navigate for everyone – helping to drive investment and create jobs as we recover from the impacts of the pandemic,” he said.

“Extending trading hours in the right areas without approval will make it easier for cafes and shops to trade later into the evening and let suppliers deliver goods.

“We’re making NSW a better place to invest by changing the rules so companies can adapt to reach new customers and make it easier for businesses in dedicated industrial areas to expand.”

This boost for business has been made possible with changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Changes to support new data centres and community recycling centres and simplified local planning rules will be developed with stakeholders in the new year.

For more information visit the Complying Development Reforms web page.