
Everyone Plant One

Up close view of a parrot.

There are all kinds of wildlife that hang out in trees (not including kids). Trees provide shade, food and shelter for birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other mammals. In fact, many don’t realise that planting trees can help protect threatened species, too, such as the Powerful Owl and Regent Honeyeater.

Plant a tree for wildlife

Watch the video on how planting a tree can help you with all kinds of wildlife.

"Research has shown that trees provide environmental, health and amenity benefits in relation to… bird and animal habitat… within a Local Government area."

Planet Ark

Planting tips

It’s always a good idea to plant locally native trees and shrubs to attract birds and animals and create natural food sources and habitat. For more immediate service to wildlife, consider planting a mature tree.

Also try to plant in layers (consider locally native groundcover, low shrubs, medium shrubs, larger trees), as this creates more natural habitat for wildlife.

Don’t forget to think about water elements like ponds, rockeries and rain gardens for shelter and hydration. If you build it, wildlife will come.