Supportive accommodation and temporary housing
Supportive accommodation is for a person or people who need supervision and support services to be provided on-site.
Current planning system circulars
Planning system circulars provide non-statutory advice on NSW Government principles, procedures and practices to assist implementing planning laws and policies.
Western Sydney Aerotropolis SIC
The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) provides for developer contributions of up to $1.1 billion to be collected from developers to deliver important State and regional infrastructure.
Alpine resorts
Encouraging environmentally sustainable development and protecting the natural and cultural heritage.
Stage 2 – Lodging your development application
Lodgement is the formal start of the DA process. Council will check that all the information has been provided.
Planning approval pathways
There are 9 different planning approval pathways in NSW. The size and scale of the development will determine which of the assessment pathways is appropriate.
Variations review
The NSW Government is improving the planning system to ensure it is easy to understand and use, promotes strategic planning and reduces the risk of corruption.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has been updated and is the culmination of the biggest overhaul of the Act since the legislation’s inception almost 40 years ago.
Bayside West SIC
The Special Infrastructure Contribution will help fund new and upgraded infrastructure to support the delivery of the Bayside West Precincts 2036.
Frenchs Forest SIC
The Frenchs Forest Special Infrastructure Contribution will help fund state and regional roads, schools, public transport, cycleways, footpaths and green links.