Housing supply insights
The Quarterly Insights Monitor includes data and analysis across each stage of the housing supply pipeline and monitors key NSW housing supply initiatives.
Diverse and well-located homes
By delivering more variety in low- and mid-rise housing, we can strike a balance between preserving the character and value of our neighbourhoods while catering to changing community needs.
Warnervale Town Centre SIC
The NSW Government introduced a special infrastructure contribution (SIC) to help pay for new infrastructure in the Warnervale Town Centre.
Wyong Employment Zone SIC
The NSW Government introduced a special infrastructure contribution (SIC) to help pay for new infrastructure in the Wyong Employment Zone.
Our compliance team undertakes inspections to ensure major projects meet the strict conditions included in their approvals.
Primary production and rural development
The new planning framework began on 28 February 2019 to further support primary production and rural development.
Rapid Assessment Framework
The rapid assessment framework aims to deliver system improvements that increase the efficiency of major project assessments and speed up assessment timeframes.
Better apartments
Promoting better apartment design through the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (SEPP 65).
Application forms
All application forms needed to get approval for Part 4 development proposals, where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority.
Promoting the delivery of high-quality, well-located and diverse housing. We want everyone in NSW to have access to affordable and well-designed homes.