A NSW Government website

We help design and create thriving communities, towns and cities for the people of the state. We work to ensure jobs, infrastructure and housing are delivered sustainably with environmental protection at front of mind.

Lumina Apartments, Penrith by DKO Architecture. Credit: The Guthrie Project

Creating capacity for the delivery of more high quality and diverse housing.

Girl playing in a water park.
Planning policy

Collaborating to deliver quality economic, social and environmental outcomes that create resilient communities and great places.

Housing targets

The NSW Government has released 5-year housing completion targets for 43 councils across Greater Sydney, Illawarra-Shoalhaven, Central Coast, Lower Hunter and Greater Newcastle, to help address the housing crisis.

A couple stand in front of a residential housing development under construction at Marsden Park NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure

Good design for housing

Use our interactive map to explore current examples of low- and mid-rise housing that contribute positively to their neighbourhood.

Screenshot of the Government Architect NSW housing map case study locations. Credit: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure