Independent Expert Advisory Panel – Energy Transition

The Independent Expert Advisory Panel for Energy Transition has been established to give NSW Planning and the Independent Planning Commission of NSW (IPC) access to specialist knowledge and expert advice when we assess energy projects related to the NSW Renewable Energy Zones under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The establishment of the panel is modelled on the Independent Expert Advisory Panel for Mining (IEAPM).

Terms of reference

When requested, the panel will give Planning NSW or the IPC technical advice on development applications, post-approval matters and policy relating to the assessment and management of environmental impacts associated with energy projects. Detailed terms of reference (PDF, 39 KB) are available.

The panel comprises an independent chair and experts in the fields of ecology, roads and traffic, economics and energy transmission and may be extended to included additional expertise as required.

Panel members are highly experienced academics and professionals who bring significant knowledge and experience to their tasks. They have each worked on a wide range of relevant matters throughout their careers in the private and public sectors (and/or academia). 

Given the limited number of recognised experts in the fields of interest, it is inevitable that many will have worked in some way connected with the industries which will be the subject of their advice. This is likely to involve a mix of working to advise or review the work of proponents or operators in the industry, undertaking research into the impacts of or protective measures used by the industry, and/or for government bodies that are regulating or assisting the industry. Indeed, it is unlikely that a person would have acquired the necessary expertise if they had not worked in such capacities either in NSW or elsewhere. 

The NSW Government must have access to the same level of skills and experience utilised by industry to support sound, robust planning decisions. It is therefore critical to be able to access the best experts while also ensuring that they meet the high ethical standards and professional integrity required to service the public interest.

The chair manages any conflicts of interest when appointing members to give advice by applying the Panel's Conflict of Interests Policy (PDF, 177 KB).

Panel members

Simon Smith (Chair)

Simon has over 20 years’ experience in regulation, program delivery and policy development in connection with environment, energy and economic development. He served in NSW as Secretary of the Department of Industry and as deputy in the Premiers Department and in Environment. Early in his career he had extensive involvement in developing frameworks and tools to better quantify environmental impacts to support objective decision-making on impact avoidance, mitigation, offsetting and management measures. He left the public sector in 2018 and then worked in the private sector in consulting and for a technology firm. He also currently serves as a Director of RACE for 2030, a Cooperative Research Centre established to help Australia make a successful transition to renewable, affordable and clean energy.

Alex Cockerill

Alex is an experienced ecologist and botanist with over 24 years practice in terrestrial ecology research, ecological impact assessment and conservation landscape management. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours 1) from the University of Newcastle and is a leading accredited assessor under the NSW Biodiversity Assessment Method, having also formed part of a separate experienced assessor advisory group established under the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand and being a Commonwealth approved ecological auditor. He has strong expertise in biodiversity assessment related legislation, policy and assessment methodologies under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act and Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, has advised to NSW Planning on State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) and Critical SSI projects, and has been an expert witness evidence to Land and Environment and High Court proceedings. Alex has had recent experience in ecological assessments for public and private clients in renewable energy development and infrastructure projects.

Andreas Laubi

Andreas has over 30 years of experience in the power industry. He is a recognised specialist in high voltage switchgear and high voltage substations and has worked on many power generation, energy storage and transmission projects in Australia over the last 20 years. Andreas is currently employed as a Technical Director and his roles have involved designer, owner’s engineer and technical specialist advisor. He was a technical advisor for the concept design for the New England Renewable Energy Zone.

Currently he is a technical reviewer for the detailed design for the Hume Link East project and the reviewer of the design of the 330kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) for the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project. He was also a subject matter expert in the investigations of power outages in Mount Isa. Andreas serves as the Convenor of the Australian/New Zealand panel B3 (Substations) of the worldwide Council on Large Electric Systems (Cigre) and was a member of the Cigre Working Group B3.50 (onsite testing of GIS). Andreas has also been a guest lecturer on HV GIS at the University of New South Wales.

Clint Purkiss

Clint has 20 years’ experience in the energy generation sector, in the UK, Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. This includes 17 years focused on renewable energy working for developers, utilities, infrastructure funds and asset owners. Clint has actively managed all stages of renewable generation assets including prospecting, development, asset design, grid connection, construction, due diligence, financing, construction, and operations/asset management in wind (onshore and offshore), as well as involvement in marine (wave, tidal), hydro power, battery systems, green hydrogen concepts, and renewable energy strategies. He has been directly involved with over 2GW of operating renewable energy projects in the Australian market, focused on the National Electricity Market, and has been involved with transactions covering a significant portion of the operating renewable energy assets in the market over the last 12 years.

Graham McCabe

Graham is an experienced transport planner and traffic engineer and has 28 years’ experience working within State and Local Government as well as working in consulting for the last 10 years. Graham has undertaken a variety of State Significant Development traffic and transport assessments for major projects including renewable energy projects in NSW and Victoria, Western Sydney Airport, Newcastle Light Rail, and new schools and medical facilities. Graham holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Hons 2) from Wollongong University, a Masters of Transportation and Traffic from Monash University, and a Master of Business Administration (Technology Management) from Latrobe University/Chifley Business School. Graham has extensive experience with assessment and resolution of congestion and road upgrade decision-making between road authorities, proponents and community.

Jayne Tipping

Jayne has over 30 years’ experience in biodiversity assessment within the energy, transport, water and waste sectors. She has extensive industry experience delivering sustainable energy transition projects across NSW, including solar and wind, pumped hydro and energy transmission (battery and transmission line) projects. Her skill set includes developing robust biodiversity assessment methodologies and offset strategies as well as post-approval monitoring and management plans for major projects. Jayne has a strong technical background in biodiversity planning, assessment and management, and she regularly peer reviews biodiversity assessments for complex projects. Jayne has qualifications in both law and environmental studies.

Mike Grundy

Mike holds extensive experience in soil, landscape and agricultural science, in addition to economics. Mike has led multi-disciplinary natural resource assessment activities for over 30 years, with roles within universities, Stage agencies and most recently the CSIRO where he was the Research Director – Soil and Landscapes. Mike has also held leadership roles in global initiatives in soil information and agricultural monitoring. He is a member and colleague of many reputable institutions and an author of numerous research papers on agricultural and land management. Mike has since also chaired the Independent Science Committee for Accounting for Nature, the Steering Committee for the University of Queensland Reef Catchments Science Partnership, and provided strategic advice to the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.

Nathan Garvey (FEIANZ)

Nathan is an experienced ecologist with over 20 years' practice in biodiversity assessment and approvals across eastern Australia. Nathan holds a Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma in Biological Science from the University of NSW and is a Certified Environmental Practitioner and a Biodiversity Assessment Method accredited assessor under the Biodiversity Conservation Act. Nathan is also a Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australian and New Zealand for his contribution to the field of environmental science and management.

Nathan has experience across a diverse range of sectors including mining, oil and gas, linear infrastructure, renewable energy and residential development, including biodiversity assessment for major projects, offsetting and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referrals. He has strong expertise and experience in the assessment of impacts to biodiversity arising from subsidence, as well as impacts to groundwater dependent ecosystems arising from groundwater drawdown. He is one of NSW's leading experts in biodiversity approvals and offsetting.

Neil Scales OBE

Neil is an experienced transport planner with over 40 years of transport and engineering experience in Australia and Europe. Neil holds a Bachelor of Science (Engineering), a Master of Science (Control Engineering and Computer Systems), a Diploma in Management Studies and a Master of Business Administration from the Open University. Neil was the former Director General for the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads for 11 years, where he was responsible for the delivery of the $28 billion capital program and additionally the multi-billion dollar Cross River Rail project as a board member and as Chair of the Board.

Neil is also considered a World Bank expert and has undertaken project reviews and problem solving for the World Bank and European Union, has been involved in appraisal of major projects in Latvia and Russia whilst working for the European Commission within the then energy directorate, and evaluated multi-member state projects. He also has demonstrated experience in the delivery of integrated transport services and practical experience with turbine delivery routing and facilitating agreements between developers, Local and State governments for road upgrade funding and delivery.

Nic Candotti

Nic has over 34 years of experience in the energy industry, working in a variety of senior and executive roles for public and private sector clients. Nic has provided technical, commercial and practical understanding of large and complex projects, and has large project and program management experience for complex infrastructure initiatives up to $1 billion. Nic’s extensive experience includes both project delivery and reviews of projects, across generation (gas, hydro, coal, wind and solar), battery storage and transmission (above and below ground).

Nic has been involved in several large, complex and environmentally sensitive transmission line projects up to 330kV involving transmission utilities in most states of Australia and has provided technical due diligence for the largest wholesale energy business transaction in Australia for NSW Treasury. He has been involved in large transmission and energy network planning, specification and construction projects throughout Australia and offshore, and has provided technical and specialist advice to the department.

Dr Nick Reid (FRSN)

Nick has 45 years’ experience in academia and as an environmental consultant. He specialises in terrestrial ecology, sustainable land and vegetation management, ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation and managing flora, fauna, fire, pests and weeds in agricultural and wild land environments. Nick is a Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW. He is also an Emeritus Professor in ecosystem management and the former head of the School of Environmental and Rural Science at the University of New England (UNE). Nick is a former chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. His current consultancies and research projects are funded by Agrifutures Australia and the National Environmental Science Program’s Resilient Landscapes Hub. Nick recently completed work for the NSW Natural Resources Commission. He chairs the board of Southern New England Landcare Ltd and is a director of the New England Landcare Network Inc. Nick was the principal editor of the 2024 book Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration and Rewilding.

Peter Duncan AM

Peter has over 40 years’ experience in government major project delivery including 25 years’ experience in road design, modelling and delivery. He has extensive experience in major project assurance, planning and delivery, including membership of the advisory board of the Office of Projects Victoria and the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Authority. Peter is currently the Chair of Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), and a Director of Water NSW and the Local Government Boundaries Commission. Peter has also held former positions including 6 years at the Independent Planning Commission of NSW as a Commissioner where he Chaired several projects for determination in the mining, energy, renewables, education and land development sectors.

He has also successfully chaired project delivery boards such as the $3.8 billion NSW Prison Upgrade Program and has served on the board of the Office of Projects Victoria for 6 years, was the Chief Executive of the State Roads Authority, accountable for the delivery of the Pacific Highway upgrade and he has recently been the Acting Secretary of the Premier’s Department and Cabinet Office.

Rick Baker

Rick has over 20 years' experience as a public policy economist. He has worked on many high-profile national inquiries for the Productivity Commission (including into public infrastructure) and the Climate Change Authority’s review of climate change targets and policies, involving economic modelling of the electricity sector. He has analysed various aspects of Victoria’s transition to renewable energy, including the role of renewable energy zones and expanding the electricity transmission system. Additionally, he has researched biodiversity offsets and options for valuing biodiversity impacts in government business cases. He also has experience with financial analysis of investment proposals.

Terry Bailey

Terry is an experienced public policy and project delivery practitioner in the fields of heritage, environment, tourism, government and public administration. Terry has over 35 years of relevant experience including roles across different government jurisdictions including as Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage, senior roles in National Parks and Wildlife Services and the Commonwealth Environment Department’s reviews and new environmental legislation in NSW and the Commonwealth. Terry holds several tertiary qualifications including a Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Assessment and Land Use Policy), a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Public Policy and Management.

Terry is currently the Executive Dean, College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania and a former Executive Director of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. He has led significant public policy development such as new coastal legislation, new biodiversity conservation legislation, heritage legislation and new climate change policy for NSW. Terry is also recognised as one of Australia’s leading world heritage experts, engaged by Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland and has extensive experience working with First Nations Peoples in conversation, resource management, and economic development.

Travis Peake (FEIANZ)

Travis has extensive experience in ecological assessment and management, in strategic and impact assessment roles, vegetation classification, biodiversity offsetting and major project delivery. Travis has 30 years experience in ecological assessments, technical investigations and strategic ecological matters. He has thorough knowledge of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme and the EPBC Environmental Offsets Policy, and has substantial experience with offset schemes in many other jurisdictions.

Travis’s technical background is in vegetation survey, mapping and classification of private land and conservation reserves, and he has extensive experience in mining, infrastructure and renewable energy developments. He is an Accredited Biodiversity Assessment Methodology Assessor under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Travis is appointed as a member of the NSW Native Vegetation Panel, for expertise in ecology, and frequently provides expert witness evidence to the NSW Land and Environment Court. Travis is also a Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand.