Greater Macarthur 2040

Greater Macarthur Growth Area

We have prepared Greater Macarthur 2040: An Interim Plan for the Greater Macarthur Growth Area which sets out the strategic planning framework for the growth area.

When finalised, Greater Macarthur 2040 will guide precinct planning within the growth area.

The Greater Macarthur 2040 plan highlights aim to:

  • provide new homes and local centres
  • create local jobs
  • collaborative planning
  • improve transport connections
  • provide open spaces and parks
  • protect the koala population.

Read the interim plan

What’s happened so far

The draft Greater Macarthur 2040 and Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) were on public exhibition from November 2018 until February 2019. The What we heard report has more information.

You can view the submissions and documents on the Planning Portal.

We declared Greater Macarthur as a growth area in 2019. An amendment was made to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) (2006) (Growth Centres SEPP) to identify the Greater Macarthur Growth Area.

The growth area supports the Greater Sydney Commission’s strategic vision for a Metropolis of Three Cities and the Western City District Plan.

The growth area recognises and builds the critical role Campbelltown-Macarthur metropolitan cluster in providing jobs and services for the broader South Western Sydney area. It will also provide greater certainty about how we will work strategically to balance new jobs, housing and public spaces with important environmental protections.

The department has prepared a community update brochure (PDF, 4.1 MB), which provides information on the work that Government is doing to finalise the Greater Macarthur 2040 plan. This includes identifying the north-south and east-west koala corridors; updating the traffic modelling; finalisation of the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP), and working with Traditional Custodians and knowledge holders to understand the Aboriginal cultural values of Country. It also incorporates advice from the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (OSCE) on protecting koalas.

The final CPCP mapping was released in August 2022 and applies to most of the Greater Macarthur Growth Area.

The department is investigating koala corridors for land in the Gilead Precinct not included in the CPCP mapped area.

The outcomes of early investigations, including application of the advice of OSCE, can be viewed in this indicative map (PDF, 1.7 MB).

The northern part of Corridor A and southern part of the Nepean Corridor are within the CPCP mapped area so are not shown in this indicative map.

The corridors shown in the indicative map may be further refined and amended. For example, they may be amended through a statutory rezoning process where the community will have the opportunity to review and comment on proposed amendments. The department will ensure work and investigations on the corridors will continue to apply the recommendations of OCSE.

Technical studies

The department has completed additional technical studies that were identified in the What we heard report:

What’s happening next

A new Ministerial Direction will enable the NSW Government’s commitment to protect the South Western Sydney koala population and to align planning proposals with the vision for Greater Macarthur 2040.

We will work collaboratively with Campbelltown and Wollondilly Councils to finalise Greater Macarthur 2040 and provide support to both councils in undertaking the detailed planning and rezoning of land within the growth area.

Aboriginal engagement

We are working with the Aboriginal community living in or connected to the Greater Macarthur Growth Area to gain a thorough understanding and appreciation of cultural values. This will inform the final 2040 plan and ensure places of cultural importance are considered in future planning.

Email the western district team at [email protected] or phone 1300 305 695 to discuss the next steps in this project.