
Priority growth areas and precincts

Artist's impression of Camellia-Rosehill concept proposal.

At a glance

  • A thriving town centre with an 18-hour entertainment precinct
  • Up to 15,400 jobs
  • 10,000 new homes
  • New public open spaces including improved access to Parramatta River
  • Better transport connections including light rail, road upgrades and cycling and pedestrian paths
  • A new urban services precinct and retention of heavy industrial land

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure

State-shaping precinct: precincts that typically create substantial, additional economic value, and are led by multiple agencies in partnership with local council. These require a significant level of whole-of- NSW government leadership.

Camellia-Rosehill Place Strategy

The Camellia-Rosehill Place Strategy has been finalised and will guide renewal of the precinct over the next 20 years.

The draft place strategy was exhibited for public comment from 17 December 2021 to 4 March 2022.

We’ve responded to exhibition feedback by making a number of changes, including increasing the amount of public open space and making it easier to get to.

Find out more about how we have responded to feedback by reading the Finalisation Report. You can see all the final documents on the NSW Planning Portal.

The place strategy is a plan for:

  • a thriving town centre with an 18-hour entertainment precinct
  • up to 15,400 jobs
  • 10,000 new homes supported by infrastructure and new public open spaces
  • improved transport connections including light rail, road upgrades and cycling and pedestrian paths
  • opening up the Parramatta River foreshore and making it a centre of community activity
  • enabling a new urban services precinct and retention of heavy industrial land that will ensure Camellia-Rosehill advances in its role as an employment powerhouse for Sydney and NSW.

The place strategy does not rezone land. A Ministerial Direction requires any future planning proposals for the precinct to be consistent with the place strategy.

What happens next

The department is preparing a rezoning proposal, which is the next stage of planning for Camellia-Rosehill. The rezoning proposal will outline planning controls to guide development in the precinct and is expected to be exhibited for public comment in 2023.

The department will continue to work closely with the City of Parramatta Council, Transport for NSW and other key stakeholders on planning for Camellia-Rosehill.


Camellia–Rosehill plays an important strategic role as an industry and employment hub within the Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula (GPOP) Economic Corridor. By 2041, the precinct will be enhanced with service and circular economy industries and new recreational and entertainment facilities, all enabled by better transport access via light rail, active transport and road connections.

A well-designed town centre next to the light rail stop will be the focus of community activity. New homes and jobs will be close to public transport, supported by new public open spaces, community facilities, and walking and cycling connections.

A new urban services precinct and retention of heavy industrial land will ensure Camellia–Rosehill fulfils its potential to be an employment powerhouse.

Key environmental features such as Parramatta River, Duck River and their wetlands will be protected and enhanced. Camellia’s rich heritage will be preserved, celebrated and promoted. Country and culture will be valued and respected with the renewal guided by Aboriginal people.

The precinct will be net zero ready and set a new standard for environmental sustainability with embedded renewable energy networks, integrated remediation and water management strategies and circular economy industries.

Recycled water will be connected to all residences, businesses and public spaces and will support the integrated network of green infrastructure.

Camellia–Rosehill will be a showcase of recovery and restoration – a place of economic prosperity but also a place where people love to live, work and enjoy.

What has happened

Planning for the place strategy has built on previous work including:

For more information about the precinct go to the City of Parramatta and Parramatta Light Rail.


  1. Investigations and evidence base

    Apr 2021 – Jul 2021

    Inquiry by design process and technical studies undertaken.

  2. Directions paper exhibition

    15 Sep 2021 – 13 Oct 2021

    The directions paper explored five possible key directions for planning in Camellia-Rosehill. Community feedback received informed the draft place strategy.

  3. Draft place strategy exhibition

    17 Dec 2021 – 4 Mar 2021

    The place strategy is a 20-year plan to breathe new life into Camellia-Rosehill.

  4. Place strategy

    Finalised Nov 2022

    The place strategy was updated in response to feedback received during the exhibition. A Ministerial Direction requires future planning proposals to be consistent with the place strategy.

  5. Rezoning proposal

    Exhibition 2023

    The rezoning proposal will outline planning controls to guide development in the precinct.

  6. Rezoning

    Timing to be confirmed

    Future rezonings will be led by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.