Greater Macarthur Growth Area

Priority growth areas and precincts

Greater Macarthur is a growth area incorporating the Glenfield to Macarthur urban renewal precincts and the land release precincts to the south of Campbelltown, including Appin, North Appin and Gilead.

Planning proposals

The proposals for Appin (part) precinct and Gilead (Stage 2) below were on public exhibition for community and stakeholder feedback from 21 November to 19 December 2022.

A third proposal for North Appin (part) was lodged in August 2023. It is expected to be placed on exhibition in late 2024.

Greater Macarthur Structure Plan

We have worked with councils, agencies and the Aboriginal community to update:

These documents outline the important work completed since the last update in December 2021.

Finalised plans