Church Street North

Priority growth areas and precincts

Couple enjoying a walk through Prince Alfred Square, Parramatta in Western Sydney. Credit: Destination NSW


The rezoning of the Church Street North precinct is now complete. This was led by the NSW Government.

The rezoning of the Church Street North precinct will make more housing possible, in line with the priorities of the NSW Government and investment in the Parramatta Light Rail.

You can view the final documents for the State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Church Street North Precinct) 2023 on the NSW Planning Portal.

The rezoning:

  • provides for 1,800 homes
  • increases homes next to the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1
  • supports the growth of the Parramatta CBD as a major metropolitan centre
  • facilitates renewal of Church Street as a vibrant high street and public area
  • protects public open spaces including Prince Alfred Square and the Parramatta River foreshore
  • strengthens consideration of heritage items, values, and heritage conservation areas. 

What happens next

The changes apply from 1 July 2024. This will give the City of Parramatta enough time to make sure the right development control plan and a local infrastructure framework are in place. 

The City of Parramatta are responsible for progressing any further planning for the remainder of the North Parramatta area.

All future development proposals will go through the development application process, including consultation with the community, before any development works can begin.

What’s happened so far

The state-led rezoning of the Church Street North precinct reviewed planning controls for North Parramatta previously exhibited in the Parramatta CBD planning proposal.

The rezoning was informed by submissions received from the exhibition of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal in 2020 and consultation with local residents, community organisations and businesses in late 2022.

We initially began work in late 2022 on a Place Strategy for the wider area formerly referred to as North Parramatta. We worked closely with the local community, council, and other key stakeholders toward a vision and direction for the future growth of the area. As an outcome from this engagement we prepared an  Early Engagement Outcomes Report (PDF, 5.8 MB)

The approach to the project was changed in October 2023 to focus on delivering a state led rezoning for the core Church Street North corridor to support the delivery of housing in line with the priorities of the NSW Government.