Aerotropolis explained

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

The Greater Sydney Commission has established a clear, overarching vision for Sydney – A Metropolis of Three Cities. Historically, the emphasis of jobs, amenity, growth and infrastructure has been on two of the three – the Eastern Harbour City focused on the Sydney CBD and Central River City focused on Parramatta.

The Western Sydney Airport is the catalyst for much of Western Sydney’s future urbanisation. Propelled by Commonwealth Government investment in the new Airport as well as the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport Line and road infrastructure, the Aerotropolis will be the beating heart of the Western Parkland City, connecting to Greater Parramatta and the Harbour CBD to realise the vision for Greater Sydney as a metropolis of three cities.

Improving our city

The Aerotropolis will create an innovation precinct and a home for technology, science and creative industries, ensuring the Western Parkland City has:

  • world class jobs that will sustain prosperity within the region, creating more than 100,000 new job opportunities across the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Northern Gateway and Agribusiness Precincts by 2056 - the biggest jobs boom in NSW’s history
  • excellent access and connectivity, provided through public infrastructure
  • excellent liveability, where a 'beyond business as usual' approach will focus on creating a cooler and greener city.

The Aerotropolis will make the most of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan, a NSW and Federal Government investment program to upgrade rail and roads including:

  • Bringelly Road upgrade
  • Elizabeth Drive
  • M12 Motorway linking the M7 Motorway to the Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport
  • The Northern Road upgrade
  • Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport.

By combining jobs, connectivity and liveability, the Aerotropolis ensures the Western Parkland City can be resilient and adaptable into the future.