Apartment buildings reflecting lights at night.


Building regulation and certification are important parts of the planning system.

Aerial view looking down at low- and mid-rise housing on Mount Druitt Road and Durham Street, Mount Druitt NSW. Credit: Glenn Hanns/DPE


Plans and policies promoting the delivery of high quality diverse housing.

New housing at Cameron Park. Lake Macquarie, NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Jaime Plaza Van Roon

Planning reforms

The NSW Government has introduced reforms to deliver a better planning system for NSW.

We’re working with local Aboriginal land councils to deliver better outcomes for Aboriginal people across NSW.

Planning controls for outdoor advertising and signage on buildings to maintain driver safety and amenity of neighbourhoods.

Planning for alpine resorts balances protecting natural and cultural heritage with sustainable development.

An agreement between the Australian and NSW governments means environmental assessment of significant projects is more efficient, timely and effective.

These circulars about building codes and regulations are for local councils, certifiers and building industry practitioners.

The department’s policies and programs support good strategic planning and development assessment in these vulnerable, in-demand areas.

Some temporary measures introduced in response to COVID 19 have been made permanent. 

The NSW Government has changed planning rules to make it easier for people and businesses to rebuild and recover.

We’re protecting the natural environment and our heritage as our population grows.

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is the culmination of the biggest overhaul of the Act since the legislation’s inception almost 40 years ago.

The State Policy for exempt and complying development is contained within the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (the State Policy).

A number of Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Papers and other guidelines such as Applying SEPP 33 and Multi-level Risk Assessment have been issued by the department.

Infrastructure improves our quality of life, making our cities and regions better places to live. It also promotes economic growth by allowing the movement of people, resources and ideas.

The NSW Government has introduced a range of measures designed to deliver greater protection to homes and agricultural land from the impacts of mining and coal seam gas activity.

The department is investigating ways it can help entrepreneurs who want to add to the vibrancy of the night-time economy.

We’re developing coordinated, thoughtful and strategic plans for NSW’s growing population, with more green spaces for recreational use and improved liveability.

These circulars about planning and policy are for people engaging with the planning system, including local councils, certifiers and planning practitioners.

The Renewable Energy Planning Framework provides clarity and transparency for how renewable energy developments are assessed and managed.

We are ensuring risk from natural hazards is understood and considered early through strategic planning, protecting communities from existing and future risks.

A review program for State Environmental Planning Policies to deliver a modern planning system is underway.

To ensure they’re protected, we’re assessing and conserving native plants and animals early in the planning process for large-scale urban development.

Find out what new planning legislation and policies the NSW Government is introducing, and which ones are under review.

More urban greening means communities have more shade, cleaner air and more beautiful places to live.