2025 February formal enforcements

Penalty Notice issued to CEAL Limited

(MP07_0155) Goulburn Mulwaree LGA

On 5 February 2024, NSW Planning issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to CEAL Limited for truck movements leaving Ardmore Park Quarry outside the approved hours during 2023. CEAL Limited are installing a new weighbridge system to prevent future non-compliances. Compliance with approved hours assists in protecting the amenity of surrounding sensitive receivers.

Official Caution issued to John Holland CPB Ghella joint venture

(SSI-19238057) City of Sydney LGA

On 5 February 2025, NSW Planning issued an Official Caution to John Holland CPB Ghella joint venture (JCG) for failing to ensure effective noise mitigation was in place at the Pyrmont Station construction site prior to commencing out of hours tunnelling. During commissioning on the evening of 22 July 2024, JCG identified that further noise mitigation was required for the dust scrubber. JCG continued using the dust scrubber for two hours of tunnelling in the early hours of 23 July 2024, resulting in community complaints. JCG have since installed alternative, effective silencers on the dust scrubber. Effective noise mitigation is required to minimise the impact on surrounding residents from out of hours construction.