Avia and Sana Altrove

Case study

The Avia and Sana development makes the most of a challenging site, offering townhomes, terraces and more affordable apartments.  Credit: Burrough Photography. Source: Stockland

Group GSA designed the Avia and Sana collection of townhomes and terraces. As a site with 2 main road frontage, there are 2 distinct design intents. The homes fronting Aerodrome Drive, a sub-arterial road, are designed with a more urban character, while those fronting Overly Crescent face a park and tie into that aspect. 

The site presented challenges, having a 10m fall across the site. Retaining walls are cleverly located to maximise the usability of each townhome's space.

These stages also incorporate strata apartments over garages in the rear laneway – a clever solution to introduce more housing choice and a more affordable product into the community. The apartments have the added benefit of providing added passive surveillance to the rear laneway, making the development more secure.

  1. Project type


  2. Architect/Designer

    Group GSA

  3. Location

    • Aboriginal Country: Dharug
    • Suburb: Schofields
    • LGA: Blacktown City Council
  4. Development details

    • Developer: Stockland
    • Site area (m2): 17,096
    • Land use zoning: R3 - Medium Density Residential
    • Number of storeys: 2
    • Number of homes in new development: 58
    • Number of homes prior to development: 0
    • Total number of car parking spaces: 0
  5. Year

    Completed 2018