Alex Avenue

North West Growth Area

Alex Avenue is located in the Blacktown City Council local government area, in the North West Growth Area.

The precinct is 420 ha and is bounded by Burdekin Road to the south, Schofields Road to the north, the Richmond Rail line to the west and the Second Ponds Creek release area to the east.

A new community for Alex Avenue

The plan was finalised in May 2010 and new planning controls were introduced to enable urban development. Refer below to the Final Planning Package (May 2010) for more information.

The new community at Alex Avenue will benefit from up to 6,300 new homes and the delivery of local amenities close to transport options, including:

  • two new schools with adjoining playing fields
  • a new railway station at Schofields with a commuter car park
  • at least 25,000 m2 of retail space
  • access to the duplicated Richmond Rail line
  • upgrades to Hambledon, Burdekin and Schofields Roads, including new rail crossings at Burdekin and Schofields Roads
  • improved connections to encourage walking and cycling.

The new neighbourhood will also help create local jobs for people living in the area.

Final Planning Package – May 2010

Technical studies

Aboriginal Heritage

Biodiversity Certification



Open Space

Traffic and Transport

Development Control Plan