Riverstone Town Centre

North West Growth Area

Riverstone Town Centre is located in Sydney’s North West Growth Area, approximately 14 km from the Blacktown CBD.

What’s happening now

On 30 September 2024, Riverstone Town Centre was identified for state-led rezoning under the State Significant Rezoning Policy.

We support Blacktown City Council’s vision for the revitalisation of the town centre and are committed to working collaboratively to prepare a revised masterplan and rezoning proposal. This will ensure that Council’s vision can be achieved in consultation with the local community, while flood risk and traffic management issues in the area can be further investigated.

The new rezoning proposal will remain consistent with the advice provided last year as part of the Department’s decision to not proceed with the previous rezoning.

What happens next

We will work closely with Blacktown City Council and other stakeholders to further investigate local flood risk and traffic management issues during the preparation of a revised masterplan and rezoning proposal. This will involve the completion of additional technical studies to build on Council’s previous work.

The community will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the revised draft plans when they are made available for public exhibition. Currently, we anticipate that this will occur in late-2025.

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What has happened

In October 2023, we determined that a planning proposal prepared by Blacktown City Council to increase residential and commercial development in the town centre should not proceed due to unresolved flood risk and traffic management issues. You can find more information on this proposal on the NSW Planning Portal.

Subscribe to receive project updates

For more information about the Riverstone Town Centre precinct, email [email protected]