Good design is fundamental to creating better places and servicing the needs of people and the community.
The NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) has been amended to include design as a new object of the Act, reinforcing the importance of good design and amenity in the planning process. A second new object includes built and cultural heritage, including Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The intent of the amendments is to promote:
- good design and amenity of the built environment
- the sustainable management of built and cultural heritage (including Aboriginal cultural heritage).
The Government Architect NSW’s policies and frameworks help planners and designers turn the amendments into reality, creating good built-environment design outcomes throughout NSW.
Better Placed is an integrated design policy for the built environment of NSW.
A new framework to welcome more nature into our backyards, balconies, rooftops and verges.
Connecting with Country is a framework to care for Country when designing built environments.
The Greener Places design framework guides the design, planning and delivery of green infrastructure across NSW.
The Sustainable Buildings SEPP is a nationally leading policy that establishes foundational provisions to help the state reach its net zero goals.