NSW Regional Housing Fund

Infrastructure funding

Aerial view of Singleton town centre and surrounding parklands. Credit: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure/Bill Code

On 3 February 2022, the $30 million NSW Regional Housing Fund was announced as an initial response to the recommendations of the Regional Housing Taskforce.

The program incentivises councils to address the recommendations of the Regional Housing Taskforce by offering funding of up to $1.4 million to deliver infrastructure and open space projects that directly support the delivery of new housing supply.

Thirty projects have been approved for funding as part of the Regional Housing Fund. These projects will support over 32,000 homes. Councils' co-contributions of $30 million are supporting delivery of the Regional Housing Fund projects and include new roads, sewer upgrades, stormwater works, park upgrades, community facilities and new open space.

The NSW Government is working closely with councils to deliver the projects to the community as soon as possible.

The Regional Housing Fund sits alongside existing infrastructure programs such as the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund and NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program to ensure new homes continue to be supported through the delivery of high-quality infrastructure and public and open spaces.


Refer to the table for a list of projects and their status.

Local government area Project Summary Status Details
Ballina Shire Pop Denison park senior children’s playground Construction of a senior children's playground in accordance with Council's adopted Pop Denison Park Master Plan. Completed
Bathurst Regional Implementation of Sawpit Creek Open Space strategy Construction of concrete footpath/cycleway, native revegetation and installation of shelters and seating adjacent to planned residential land release. In progress
Bega Valley Shire Boundary Road flood mitigation and road improvement Upgrade of an existing rural road with drainage and safety improvements. Completed
Broken Hill City Broken Hill Subdivision 336A McCulloch Street and Duke of Cornwell park upgrade Sub-division works including utility connections, road and easement construction in preparation for new dwellings; Design and construction of open space park upgrade. In progress
Central Coast Wadalba East Urban Release area Planning and design of sewer and stormwater basin infrastructure for the Wadalba East release area. Completed
Eurobodalla Shire Batemans Bay CBD Stormwater works Upgrade and extend the stormwater drainage systems in the southern part of Batemans Bay CBD. Completed
Goulburn Mulwaree Marulan wastewater treatment plant upgrade Upgrade to Marulan wastewater treatment plant to service future population growth. In progress
Griffith City Griffith City Housing Stock - Supporting civil infrastructure project Construction of Citrus Road, Griffith. Completed
Kempsey Shire Crescent Head sewage pump station upgrades Upgrades to Fredrickton and Crescent Head sewer treatment plants. In progress
Lismore City Pineapple Road Sewage Scheme Design and construction of a new sewerage pumping station. Completed
Lithgow City South Bowenfels Road extension and Hillcrest No 2 Sewer Pump Station Construction of connector road South Bowenfels Link Road and construction of a new Sewer Pump Station. Completed
Mid-Coast Accelerated infrastructure for Old Bar- construction of Old Bar Road Delivery of 1km Old Bar Road upgrade works. Completed
Mid-Western Regional Saleyards Lane Mudgee sewer and roads Design and construction of civil works, electrical works, water and sewer and roads. Completed
Orange City Shiralee Road Reconstruction road, kerb, gutter and drainage to create a direct link from the city of Orange to Shiralee. Completed
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Braidwood depot site redevelopment Provide new community facilities and public access from the main street to land proposed for redevelopment. In progress
Richmond Valley South Casino Sewage Transfer System Planning and construction of the South Casino Sewage Transfer Station. Completed
Singleton Singleton Council Regional Housing Fund projects Enhancement to open spaces at Harry George Reserve and Earribee Reserve playgrounds; upgrade to sand filters at district level Singleton Gym and Swim; footpath and cycleway extensions along Pioneer Road and Combo Lane; detailed design of the Alroy Oval Masterplan and a new Mountain Bike Park on Pioneer Road, Singleton. In progress
Snowy Monaro Regional Kalkite sewerage treatment plant upgrade Capital upgrades to Kalkite's Sewer Treatment Plant. In progress
Tamworth Regional Arcadia Urban Release Access Project 2023 Construction of lead in road infrastructure to the Arcadia Residential Estate. Completed
Tweed Shire Youth and family precinct in Tweed’s Regional City; Revitalisation of Ray Pascoe District Park and Piggabeen Sports Complex masterplan – Stage 1 Construction of recreational infrastructure and upgrade to district inclusive park and playspace for Tweed city. In progress
Wagga Wagga Southern growth sewer augmentation Testing, design and construction of sewer infrastructure augmentation for the Southern Growth urban release area. Completed

Frequently asked questions

What is the Regional Housing Fund?

The NSW Regional Housing Fund (RHF) is a $30 million grant program to support NSW regional councils experiencing high growth and/or housing supply pressures.

The objectives of the fund are to:

  • unblock and accelerate new housing capacity in regional NSW
  • bring forward construction and the opportunity for jobs and economic activity in the short to medium term
  • support investment in critical development infrastructure and high-quality public and open spaces projects.
What can funding be used for?

Eligible councils will be offered funding to deliver upgraded infrastructure and open space projects that directly support the delivery of new housing.

Is my council eligible for funding?

Eligible councils include Ballina, Bathurst Regional, Bega Valley, Broken Hill, Central Coast, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Griffith, Kempsey, Lismore, Lithgow, Mid-Coast, Mid-Western Regional, Orange, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Richmond Valley, Singleton, Snowy Monaro, Tamworth Regional, Tweed and Wagga Wagga.

Why is the fund only open to 21 large regional councils?

The 21 councils eligible to apply for the NSW Regional Housing Fund are assessed as experiencing some of the highest levels of housing growth and/or under housing supply pressures. Due to their size, these councils are expected to have a significant role in providing new housing supply for the local government area and surrounding regions.

These 21 councils also did not receive funding under the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, which was announced on 5 August 2020. For more information about the program, visit the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program.

How much funding will be available to each eligible council?

Up to $1.4 million in funding is available to each council. Councils are encouraged to part fund projects, however this is not a mandatory.

What type of projects can be funded?

Councils should nominate projects that support or unblock new housing supply, such as active transport, roads, water, wastewater, public lighting, telecommunications assets, detention basins, drainage and open space.

Councils can also apply to upgrade local high streets and public domain, open spaces and sports facilities.

How do I apply?

Eligible councils should submit an application through the SmartyGrants portal by 11 March 2022.

The department will invite councils to participate in the program if their application includes a program outline plan that meets the program objectives. Councils will be asked to commit to the program via a participation agreement by 22 April 2022.

The initial application should include a 250–500 word high-level description of the development infrastructure project(s) that council may seek to fund. Councils that are approved to participate in the program will be invited to submit a more detailed proposal for their infrastructure project in June 2022.

What information should I include in the program outline plan?

Program outline plans should demonstrate new or existing initiatives to be delivered by council that will contribute to the delivery of new housing supply and align to the recommendations of the Regional Housing Taskforce. Councils will be required to set out a clear implementation plan for each initiative and include relevant background information.

Councils should identify where information is currently not available or will only become available once initiatives are complete.

Councils requiring support to complete their program outline plan can email the team at [email protected]. In addition, a program outline plan template can be accessed with the application form.

When should I nominate my development infrastructure of public and open space project(s)?

The initial application should provide a 250-500 word description, outlining the type of project(s) likely to be developed if funding is approved. This should include a very high-level description of the type of project, how the proposed infrastructure enables or supports planned housing, and its location, cost and schedule.

The department recognises that it takes time to prepare a well-considered project proposal. Councils that are approved to participate in the program will be invited to nominate a more detailed proposal in June 2022.

How does council demonstrate that the infrastructure will support new housing supply?

Council needs to show that the infrastructure is included in its approved Contributions Plan (i.e. S7.11), Local Strategic Planning Statement or in a social infrastructure audit or similar study. If this is not available, other evidence, or a business case showing that the infrastructure enables new housing supply, must be provided with the application.

What are the assessment criteria?

The program outline plan will be assessed on whether the proposed project(s) address one or more of the following criteria:

  • enable new housing supply
  • improve monitoring and forward planning for future housing supply
  • increase housing diversity
  • increase the availability of affordable housing.

Council’s project nomination to deliver a development infrastructure project(s) must meet the criteria as outlined in the guidelines.

How will applications be assessed?

Applications will be assessed by an independent selection panel overseen by an inter-agency oversight committee made up of assessment panel of NSW Government representatives. A probity advisor will also oversee the program.

What support is available to councils?

Program guidelines and fact sheets are available and will assist you in preparing your application. Councils will also be invited to attend a webinar in the week commencing 7 February 2022. Further details will be provided on the program page.

Our team will also be available to provide any advice or assistance you might require and can be contacted at [email protected]

More information

For more information email [email protected]