Pyrmont Peninsula SIC
The Pyrmont Peninsula Metro Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) will help fund the new Pyrmont Metro station.
Frenchs Forest SIC
The Frenchs Forest Special Infrastructure Contribution will help fund state and regional roads, schools, public transport, cycleways, footpaths and green links.
A number of Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Papers and other guidelines have been issued by the department.
Hunter region SIC
The Hunter region Special Infrastructure Contribution helps to fund infrastructure that supports residential and industrial development in the Hunter region.
North West Growth Area SIC
The North West Growth Area Special Infrastructure Contribution is intended to update the SIC applying to the North West Growth Area detailed in the existing Western Sydney SIC.
Rhodes SIC
The proposed SIC for Rhodes could provide up to $74.8 million in funding towards road and open space improvements to support development in the area.
Wilton SIC
The Wilton SIC will provide $771 million in funding to support development in the area. This includes funding for roads and open space.
If your house was built or renovated before 1990, it likely contains asbestos. If that asbestos is intact and damage is unlikely, it is often best left alone.
State Voluntary Planning Agreements
A State Voluntary Planning Agreement between the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and a developer helps fund State Public Infrastructure.
Hunter Regional Plan 2041
The Hunter Regional Plan 2041 is about sustainable growth. It looks at housing and lifestyle opportunities to cement the Hunter as a leading regional economy.