Design Guide for Schools
The Design Guide for Schools helps school communities and project teams achieve good design outcomes for schools and school environments.
Implementing and evaluating good design
Methods to guide design processes, evaluate design proposals throughout the life of projects and help achieve good design outcomes.
Night-time economy
Making it easier for arts, cultural, and hospitality businesses to contribute to local economies and create safe, exciting nightlife in our communities.
Master planning in the Aerotropolis
Master planning is an optional alternative development approval pathway which exists for certain land within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
The planning pathway
With the finalisation of the planning package, there is now a hierarchy of plans that will guide development in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
Open space
Open space is the foundation of liveable communities. Public open space is infrastructure that is essential for communities and creating great places to live.
Western Sydney Aerotropolis
The Western Sydney Aerotropolis will become a thriving economic centre in Western Sydney, contributing towards new jobs in the broader Western Parkland City.
Western Sydney Aerotropolis explained
The Aerotropolis will be the beating heart of the Western Parkland City, connecting to Greater Parramatta and the Harbour CBD.
Archived planning system circulars
Archived planning system circulars are no longer current but continue to provide historical information and advice on planning system matters.
Supporting Aboriginal people in Planning
We want more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to join us and become part of our community.