NSW Planning Portal

Houses in Googong as part of Googong's new housing development. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Jaime Plaza Van Roon

The NSW Planning Portal is an online environment where community, industry and government can work together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

It hosts a range of digital planning services, mapping tools and reporting tools to assist everyone involved in a proposed development.

The digital services accessed via dashboards:

  • improve application determination times,
  • increase transparency of the planning system
  • ensure greater accountability of all stakeholders.

Set up under the Act, the NSW Planning Portal is also the legal repository for certain planning documents, such as Ministerial Orders.

The ePlanning Program is currently working with all NSW councils to encourage greater engagement with the services on the NSW Planning Portal.

For further information and guidance on the NSW planning system visit the NSW Planning Portal's digital planning services.