Contact us



Our street address is: 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy Street, Parramatta NSW 2150.

Our postal address is: Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124.


NSW Planning Portal (not related to BASIX)


Other enquiries


Hunter and Central Coast region offices

These contacts should be used for planning enquiries only.

Gosford office

Level 2, 32 Mann Street Gosford NSW 2250

Phone: 02 4345 4400
Email: [email protected]

Newcastle regional office

Level 4, 6 Stewart Avenue Newcastle West NSW 2302

PO Box 1226 Newcastle NSW 2300

Phone: 02 4904 2700
Email: [email protected]

Metropolitan offices

Sydney Offices

4 Parramatta Square 12 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001

Email: [email protected]

Office of Strategic Lands

4 Parramatta Square 12 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

GPO Box 404 Parramatta NSW 2124

Phone: 02 9860 1488
Fax: 02 9687 6610
Email: [email protected]

Parramatta Offices

Land Release/Greater Parramatta Growth Area

4 Parramatta Square 12 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001

Phone: 02 9860 1500
Fax: 02 9860 1594

Northern region offices

Grafton office

Level 3, 49 Victoria Street Grafton NSW 2460

Phone: 02 6643 6420
Fax: 02 6643 6419
Email: [email protected]

Tamworth office

Noel Park House Level 0, 155-157 Marius Street Tamworth NSW 2340

PO Box 949 Tamworth NSW 2340

Phone: 02 5778 1491
Fax: 02 5778 1490
Email: [email protected]

Southern region offices

Wollongong office

Level 2, 84 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2520

PO Box 5475 Wollongong NSW 2520

Phone: 02 4247 1800
Fax: 02 4247 1840
Email: [email protected]

Queanbeyan office

Level 1, 11 Farrer Place Queanbeyan NSW 2620

PO Box 5475 Wollongong NSW 2520

Phone: 02 4247 1800
Fax: 02 4247 1840
Email: [email protected]

Alpine resorts – Assessments

Shop 5A, 19 Snowy River Avenue Jindabyne NSW 2627

PO Box 36 Jindabyne NSW 2627

Phone: 02 6448 8500
Email: [email protected]

Western region offices

These contacts should be used for planning enquiries only.

Dubbo office

Area 1, Level 1, 188 Macquarie Street Dubbo NSW 2830

PO Box 58 Dubbo NSW 2830

Phone: 02 5852 6800
Fax: 02 5852 6890
Email: [email protected]

Assistance and feedback

Assistance for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment

Go to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts for a full list of National Relay Service call numbers.

Language assistance

If you need help to translate this page in a language other than English, you can access a translating and interpreting service at the phone number below.

Phone 13 14 50 and ask for an interpreter in your language and request to be connected to 1300 305 695.

Local call cost from land line (fixed) telephones. Calls from mobiles will be charged at applicable rates.

Media enquiries

Journalists only email [email protected]

Making a complaint

The department takes a people-focused, proactive, and timely approach to managing feedback and complaints.

We are committed to providing an open and accessible process for everyone so that we can be accountable to the community we serve.

Feedback and complaints from the public are a valued and legitimate part of the relationship between the department and our customers.

They provide us with opportunities to improve our services, and are an essential component of an open and transparent planning system.

The department treats all complaints seriously and expects all staff members to be fair, effective, and efficient in all their dealings with our customers.

What is a complaint?

An expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organisation, related to its products, services, staff, or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

Complaints do not include:

  • decisions subject to other review processes;
  • decisions not subject to departmental control;
  • feedback on the quality or delivery of our business or the conduct of our staff, which do not explicitly, implicitly, or legally require a response;
  • responses to public consultations;
  • staff grievances;
  • public interest disclosures or protected disclosures by staff;
  • complaints about breaches of the Code of Ethics and Conduct;
  • service requests from members of the public; or
  • requests for information.

The department manages all complaints according to the following principles:


We will place information on the department’s website showing customers how and where complaints can be made.


Our complaints management process will be open; friendly; flexible to meet the needs of the community; and accessible to everyone.

Responsiveness and timeliness

We will acknowledge and manage all complaints promptly and transparently.

Objectivity and fairness

We will address all complaints sensitively and in an objective, professional, and unbiased manner.


We will involve complainants in resolving their concerns.


We will handle all complaints confidentially to avoid prejudicing any investigation or the privacy of customers or staff members.

Improvement and service excellence

We will use the outcomes of feedback and complaints to improve the department’s processes and deliver excellent customer service.

General feedback and complaints

To maintain and improve the quality of the services we provide, we are committed to addressing feedback and resolve complaints fairly and thoroughly.

If you have a compliments, complaints, or general feedback, email your details to [email protected]. Your feedback will be sent to the appropriate team for action. We will acknowledge your feedback within three working days with further details.

Complaints are handled in accordance with the External Service-Related Complaints Policy.

External review

At any time, a customer can complain to external bodies such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the Ombudsman, or the Audit Office of NSW.

If you have allegations of corrupt conduct, misconduct, or serious waste of resources, the department encourages you to approach these organisations directly.

Dealing with complaints

The department will make every reasonable effort to:

  • understand all the relevant circumstances and information surrounding your complaint; and
  • ensure that the level of inquiry is commensurate with the seriousness, frequency of occurrence, and severity of the complaint.

Complaints will be acknowledged upon receipt and will usually receive a response within 21 working days.

If this is not possible, the customer will be contacted and advised on progress with the complaint and the likely response timeline.


Complaints will be handled confidentially to avoid prejudicing any investigation or anyone’s privacy.

The privacy of the customer and any staff member(s) who are the subject of complaint will be respected and preserved.

Although personally identifying information concerning the customer may be made available where needed, this will only be for the purposes of addressing the complaint within the department.

All information relating to the complaint and the customer will be actively protected from disclosure, unless the customer has expressly consented to its release.

Unreasonable conduct

Customers who:

  • have fully exhausted their review options (including reviews by external agencies)
  • make unreasonable demands on staff or resources
  • are rude, angry, harassing, or aggressive towards staff members or others may be managed under different administrative arrangements and may have their ability to contact the department restricted.
Visiting Delegations Guidelines

The department welcomes the opportunity to exchange information and ideas with visiting delegations from overseas organisations and governments where possible. So we can accommodate visits and make our people available, you should make your request in writing and at least four (4) weeks in advance.

Overseas delegations should contact their country’s Consulate in NSW (or Australian trade representative where there is none) and accompany their request with a letter or email of endorsement.

All local or interstate requests must be accompanied by an official letter of request from either the relevant government agency or private company that is sponsoring the visit.

Official letters of request

Official letters of request must include the following details:

  • Confirmed date of delegation visit.
  • Where the delegation is from.
  • Delegates names.
  • Delegates titles.
  • Purpose of visit.
  • Specific key areas of interest within the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
  • Whether an interpreter will be accompanying the delegation.

Visit requests are subject to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure having the available resources to meet with the delegation at the requested time.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is not responsible for providing transport to and from the department or accommodation arrangements. These arrangements and costs are to be met by the visiting delegation.

Requests from delegation organisers for the department can be submitted in the above Contact form.