A Metropolis of Three Cities

Great open space places, greater housing choice, shorter commutes and world class job opportunities

Church Street Mall. Parramatta, Sydney, NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Salty Dingo

Greater Sydney Region Plan—A Metropolis of Three Cities (Environmental Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203) will rebalance growth and deliver its benefits more equally and equitably to residents across Greater Sydney.

A Metropolis of Three Cities – the Greater Sydney Region Plan (PDF, 12.7 MB) is the first to be prepared concurrently with Future Transport 2056 and the State Infrastructure Strategy, aligning land use, transport and infrastructure planning to reshape Greater Sydney as three unique but connected cities.


A Metropolis of Three Cities will transform land use and transport patterns, boosting Greater Sydney’s liveability, productivity and sustainability by spreading the benefits of growth to all its residents. A Metropolis of Three Cities was informed by significant community feedback and technical input on a range of topics.

A city for supported by infrastructure

Infrastructure supporting new developments

  • Objective 1. Infrastructure supports the three cities
  • Objective 2. Infrastructure aligns with forecast growth – growth infrastructure compact
  • Objective 3. Infrastructure adapts to meet future needs
  • Objective 4. Infrastructure use is optimised
A collaborative city

Working together to grow a Greater Sydney

  • Objective 5. Benefits of growth realised by collaboration of governments, community and business
A city for people

Celebrating diversity and putting people at the heart of planning

  • Objective 6. Services and infrastructure meet communities’ changing needs
  • Objective 7. Communities are healthy, resilient and socially connected
  • Objective 8. Greater Sydney’s communities are culturally rich with diverse neighbourhoods
  • Objective 9. Greater Sydney celebrates the arts and supports creative industries and innovation
Housing the city

Giving people housing choices

  • Objective 10. Greater housing supply
  • Objective 11. Housing is more diverse and affordable
A city of great places

Designing places for people

  • Objective 12. Great places that bring people together
  • Objective 13. Environmental heritage is conserved and enhanced
A well connected city

Developing a more accessible and walkable city

  • Objective 14. A Metropolis of Three Cities – integrated land use and transport creates walkable and 30-minute cities
  • Objective 15. The Eastern, GPOP and Western Economic Corridors are better connected and more competitive
  • Objective 16. Freight and logistics network is competitive and efficient
  • Objective 17. Regional transport is integrated with land use
Jobs and skills for the city

Creating the conditions for a stronger economy

  • Objective 18. Harbour CBD is stronger and more competitive
  • Objective 19. Greater Parramatta is stronger and better connected
  • Objective 20. Western Sydney Airport and Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis are economic catalysts for Western Parkland City
  • Objective 21. Internationally competitive health, education, research and innovation precincts
  • Objective 22. Investment and business activity in centres
  • Objective 23. Industrial and urban services land is planned, protected and managed
  • Objective 24. Economic sectors are targeted for success
A city in its landscape

Valuing green spaces and landscape

  • Objective 25. The coast and waterways are protected and healthier
  • Objective 26. A cool and green parkland city in the South Creek corridor
  • Objective 27. Biodiversity is protected, urban bushland and remnant vegetation is enhanced
  • Objective 28. Scenic and cultural landscapes are protected
  • Objective 29. Environmental, social and economic values in rural areas are maintained and protected
  • Objective 30. Urban tree canopy cover is increased
  • Objective 31. Public open space is accessible, protected and enhanced
  • Objective 32. The Green Grid links parks, open spaces, bushland and walking and cycling paths
An efficient city

Using resources wisely

  • Objective 33. A low-carbon city contributes to net-zero emissions by 2050 and mitigates climate change
  • Objective 34. Energy and water flows are captured, used and re-used
  • Objective 35. More waste is re-used and recycled to support the development of a circular economy
A resilient city

Adapting to a changing world

  • Objective 36. People and places adapt to climate change and future shocks and stresses
  • Objective 37. Exposure to natural and urban hazards is reduced
  • Objective 38. Heatwaves and extreme heat are managed
  • Objective 39. A collaborative approach to city planning
  • Objective 40. Plans refined by monitoring and reporting

Delivering the plan

The delivery of A Metropolis of Three Cities – The Greater Sydney Region Plan will bring together a range of important stakeholders including; the NSW Government, local councils, industry and the community.

Greater Sydney District Planning

Greater Sydney District Planning will guide the implementation of the plan across the five districts that form the metropolitan area. They inform local environmental plans, community strategic plans and the assessment of planning proposals.

District plans help councils plan and deliver for growth, change and align local planning strategies to place-based outcomes.

Greater Sydney Commission

The former Greater Sydney Commission was an independent organisation funded by the state government and responsible for metropolitan planning in a partnership between State and local government. The Commission led metropolitan planning to make Greater Sydney more liveable, productive and sustainable. Its role was to coordinate and align the planning that will shape the future of Greater Sydney and make it more liveable, productive and sustainable.

Greater Sydney Districts

The district plans are a guide for implementing the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan at a district level and are a bridge between regional and local planning.

District boundaries: local government areas

Western CityCentral CityEastern CityNorth DistrictSouth District
Blue MountainsBlacktownBaysideHornsbyGeorges River
HawkesburyCumberlandBurwoodHunters HillCanterbury–Bankstown
PenrithParramattaCanada BayKu–ring–gaiSutherland
CamdenThe HillsInner WestLane Cove 
Campbelltown RandwickNorthern Beaches 
Fairfield StrathfieldMosman 
Liverpool WoollahraWilloughby 
Wollondilly WaverleyRyde 
  City of SydneyNorth Sydney 

Local Strategic Planning Statement

During 2019 and 2020, the former Greater Cities Commission worked with Greater Sydney councils to support them in reviewing their Local Environmental Plans and developing their first Local Strategic Planning Statements (LSPS). The Commission brought together council and government agencies to collaborate in the process.

The Commission completed its assurance of the 33 Greater Sydney council LSPS in 2020. View the Commission's letters of support:

Council letters of support