Building systems circulars

A male building certifier talks to a builder at a construction site. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Christopher Walters

Building systems circulars give information on building codes and regulations.

These are for local councils, certifiers and building industry practitioners.

If you have any questions about the information in the circulars listed below, call the Building Code Advisory Service on 02 9372 9271 between 9:30 am and 11:30 am, Tuesday to Thursday. The service is operated by the NSW Department of Customer Service.

No.SubjectDate issued
BS 18‑002 (PDF, 163 KB)CodeMark certificates and building product use bans28 September 2018
BS 18-001 (PDF, 223 KB)Buildings with external combustible cladding25 September 2018
BS 17-002 (PDF, 182 KB)Building fire safety regulation new and changed requirements28 August 2017
BS 17-001 (PDF, 212 KB)Safety of awnings over public lands10 May 2017
BS 15-002 (PDF, 61 KB)Building Code of Australia 2015 key changes15 December 2015
BS 15-001 (PDF, 797 KB)External walls and cladding Note: This circular is superseded by ABCB Advisory Note 2016-3 – ‘Fire Performance of External Walls and Cladding’, following changes made through Amendment 1 of the National Construction Code 2016 – Volume One which came into effect on 12 March 2018.3 August 2015
BS 14-002 (PDF, 375 KB)Building Code of Australia - 2014 changes29 May 2014
BS 14-001 (PDF, 234 KB)ABCB Handbook for Community Bushfire Refuges29 May 2014
BS 13-004 (PDF, 51 KB)The NSW Planning System and the Building Code of Australia 2013: Construction of Buildings in Flood Hazard Areas16 July 2013
BS 13-003 (PDF, 69 KB)Building Code of Australia 2013-key changes16 July 2013
BS 13-002 (PDF, 61 KB)The Guide to the Building Code of Australia clarifies ‘sole-occupancy unit’22 April 2013
BS 13-001 (PDF, 347 KB)Safety of awnings over public lands8 March 2013
BS 12-001 (PDF, 56 KB)Building Code of Australia 2012 - key changes27 July 2012
BS 11-001 (PDF, 104 KB)New smoke alarm requirements for moveable dwellings25 February 2011
BS 10-009 (PDF, 40 KB)Thermal insulation – Building Code of Australia compliance issues15 July 2010
BS 10-008 (PDF, 40 KB)Performance standard for private bushfire shelters14 July 2010
BS 10-007 (PDF, 54 KB)Building Code of Australia 2010 – key changes8 July 2010
BS 10-005 (PDF, 41 KB)BCA 2010 Volume Two – Application of swimming pool barrier provisions30 June 2010
BS 10-003 (PDF, 22 KB)BCA 2010 – Correction of NSW Appendix23 April 2010
BS 09-005 (PDF, 41 KB)Regulatory impact statements for energy efficiency proposals for BCA 2010 – opportunity to comment1 October 2009
BS 09-004 (PDF, 34 KB)Draft Building Code of Australia 2010 - invitation to comment17 July 2009
BS 09-003 (PDF, 39 KB)Safety barriers in aboveground car parks10 June 2009
BS 09-002 (PDF, 227 KB)Commencement of the Building Code of Australia 2009; and Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Building Code of Australia) Regulation 20091 May 2009
BS 09-001 (PDF, 26 KB)Draft proposals relating to the BCA – invitation to comment18 February 2009
BS 08-003 (PDF, 650 KB)BCA 2009 information seminars18 November 2008
BS 08-002 (PDF, 91 KB)Building Code of Australia 2008 amendment13 May 2008
BS 08-001 (PDF, 73 KB)High front gutters10 April 2008
BS 07-005 (PDF, 133 KB)Building Code of Australia 2007 amendment14 May 2007
BS 07-002 (PDF, 56 KB)Building Professionals Regulation 200730 March 2007
BS 07-001 (PDF, 31 KB)BCA 2007 seminars23 January 2007
BS 06-006 (PDF, 40 KB)CodeMark - new certification scheme for building products and systems23 June 2006
BS 06-005 (PDF, 57 KB)Implementation of the EP&A Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Regulation 200623 May 2006
BS 06-003 (PDF, 983 KB)Changes to the Building Code of Australia 2006, which take effect on 1 May 200613 April 2006
BS 06-002 (PDF, 58 KB)Implementation of the Building Professionals Act 2005
Building Professionals Act 2005: a guide
16 March 2006
BS 06-001 (PDF, 43 KB)BCA 2006 information seminars3 February 2006
BS 05-002 (PDF, 48 KB)Structural steel bolts19 December 2005
BS 05-001 (PDF, 111 KB)Building Legislation Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Act 2005 – update28 September 2005
BRAN No. 239 (PDF, 81 KB)Building Code of Australia 2005 amendment1 March 2005