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2021 January formal enforcements

Penalty Notice issued to Hanson Yuncken Pty Ltd

(SSD-7610 as modified) City of Sydney LGA

On 13 January 2021, the Department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd (HY) for failure to comply with the approved construction hours at the Inner Sydney High School development at times during September, October, and November 2020. The Department will continue to monitor the site to ensure works are undertaken within the approved construction hours to ensure impacts on the local community are minimised.

Official Caution issued to Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd

(SSD-6878 as modified) Shellharbour City LGA

On 27 January 2021, the Department issued an Official Caution to Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd (FHC) for failure to ensure adequate environmental controls were implemented prior to construction, to safeguard against unintentional vegetation clearing. Failure to implement the controls led to the clearing of 20 trees in a small area of NSW listed endangered ecological community (EEC) “Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion” (ILGW) and critically endangered ecological community (CEEC) “Illawarra and South Coast Lowland Forest and Woodland” (ISCLFW) habitat, in Croome Reserve. The incident was self-reported to the Department upon identification. FHC have since planted 80 trees in the road corridor and have implemented additional control measures to ensure no further harm occurs.

Official Caution issued to Schools Infrastructure NSW

(SSD-7610 as modified) City of Sydney LGA

On 28 January 2021, the Department issued an Official Caution to Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) for failure to carry out the development in accordance with the approved plans for the Inner Sydney High School development. Unapproved external lighting was installed on a new 13 storey building at the development adversely impacting the local amenity. SINSW have not commissioned the lighting. The Department will continue to monitor compliance with conditions of consent.