Penalty Notice issued to ELGAS Limited
(SSD-8448 as modified) Newcastle City LGA
On 9 March 2021, the Department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to ELGAS Limited (ELGAS) for failure to have an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) approved by the Department prior to commencing operations at the ELGAS Kooragang Island development. OEMP's ensure that appropriate environmental management practices are identified and implemented during operation. The Department has subsequently approved the OEMP and will continue to monitor compliance with conditions of consent.
Penalty Notice issued to Australand Corporation (NSW) Pty Limited
(DA95/133 as modified) Shellharbour City LGA
On 19 March 2021, the Department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to Australand Corporation (NSW) Pty Limited for transporting approximately 83,700m3 of material excavated at its Shell Cove Marina Development and emplacing it at Bass Point Quarry, a facility not authorised or licenced to receive the material. The breach was brought to the Department's attention by the Illawarra Mercury, acting on behalf of concerned residents. A Development Control Order was issued by the Department to Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd remedy the breach at Bass Point Quarry.