2022 March formal enforcements

Penalty Notice issued to Centennial Mandalong Pty Limited

(SSD-5144) Central Coast LGA

On 18 March 2022, the Department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to Centennial Mandalong Pty Limited (Centennial) for failure to comply with operation noise criteria at their Mandalong Coal Mine. Operation noise criteria were exceeded at two attended noise monitoring locations on 6 December 2021. The exceedances of criteria were determined to be the result of ventilation fans operating on the Mandalong South Surface Site (MSSS). Centennial are actively working on engineering controls to reduce any ongoing impacts and to ensure that noise levels remain compliant.

Penalty Notice issued to ResourceCo Material Solutions Pty Ltd

(SSI-7485) Inner West LGA

On 1 March 2022, the Department issued a $15,000 Penalty Notice to ResourceCo Material Solutions Pty Ltd (ResourceCo) for failure to adhere to restrictions on the use of a spoil haulage vehicle route (Route A), on the WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnel project (the project). The use of Route A by spoil haulage vehicles on the project is restricted to 7 am to 7 pm to minimise amenity impacts on surrounding residents. Spoil haulage vehicles operating on the project on behalf of ResourceCo used Route A prior to 7 am on numerous occasions between November 2019 and April 2020. ResourceCo was advised in November 2019 that its vehicles were using Route A contrary to the restrictions on its use, however its vehicles continued using Route A outside of the approved hours until April 2020. Since May 2020, additional management measures have been implemented on the project to better prevent and address any use of Route A outside the hours of 7 am to 7pm. The Department will continue to monitor compliance with conditions of approval.

Official Cautions issued to Load Ranger Pty Ltd, Load & Go Pty Ltd, P.L. Tripodi Pty Limited, Attcall Civil Contractors Pty Ltd, Hi-Quality Environmental Services Pty Ltd and Rocktown Pty Ltd

(SSI-7485) Inner West LGA

Between 1 and 2 March 2022, the Department issued (6) Official Cautions to Load Ranger Pty Ltd (Load Ranger), Load & Go Pty Ltd (Load & Go), P.L. Tripodi Pty Limited (Tripodi), Attcall Civil Contractors Pty Ltd (Attcall), Hi-Quality Environmental Services Pty Ltd (Hi-Quality) and Rocktown Pty Ltd (Rocktown) for failure to adhere to restrictions on the use of a spoil haulage vehicle route (Route A), on the WestConnex M4-M5 Link Tunnel project (the project). The use of Route A by spoil haulage vehicles on the project is restricted to 7 am to 7 pm to minimise amenity impacts on surrounding residents. Spoil haulage vehicles operating on the project on behalf of Load Ranger, Load & Go, Tripodi, Attcall, Hi-Quality and Rocktown (separately) used Route A prior to 7 am on numerous occasions between June 2019 and May 2020. Since May 2020, additional management measures have been implemented on the project to better prevent and address any use of Route A outside the hours of 7 am to 7pm. The Department will continue to monitor compliance with conditions of approval.

Fire Safety Order issued to Sydney Adventist School at 181 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga

(SSD 5535) Ku-ring-gai LGA

On 18 March 2022, the department issued a Fire Safety Order to the owners of Sydney Adventist School at 181 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, requiring the submission of an updated Fire Safety Certificate incorporating additional fire safety measures, in accordance with the Fire Engineering Assessment for the building, such as additional inspections of exits, ensuring that no fuel loads or fire hazards are accumulated and fire warden training.

UPDATE: August 2022 – the works required under this order have now been completed.

Fire Safety Order issued to Buildings 4, 5, 7 and 8 at 1, 3, 28-30 Ferntree Place, 2 and 4 Seven Street, Epping NSW 2121

(MP 08_0257 and MP 10_0158) Parramatta LGA

On 21 March 2022, the department issued a Fire Safety Order to the owners of Buildings 4, 5, 7 and 8 at 1, 3, 28-30 Ferntree Place, 2 and 4 Seven Street, Epping, to remove identified external wall panels on the building consisting of Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP). ACP is combustible and poses a fire safety risk. The owners are required to replace the ACP with a non-combustible product and provide an inspection report issued by an accredited certifier, certifying that the replacement panels and method of installation comply with the Building Code of Australia. The owners are required to develop and implement fire safety measures to reduce the fire safety risks associated with the cladding until the rectification work is complete.

UPDATE: August 2024 – the works required under this order have now been completed.