Enhanced housing supply insights to help shape Illawarra-Shoalhaven

15 November 2023

The NSW Government will release a refreshed Urban Development Program (UDP) dashboard for the Illawarra-Shoalhaven this week providing a more comprehensive look into land and housing supply in the region.

Most recently, the Illawarra-Shoalhaven UDP has assisted the NSW Government with developing and implementing the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan along with facilitating development at West Dapto, Nowra and Bomaderry.

A new UDP Dashboard is also on the way for the Capital Region (Goulburn, Queanbeyan-Palerang, and Yass).

The Greater Sydney, Greater Newcastle, Central Coast, Upper Hunter-Mid Coast, Capital region and Illawarra-Shoalhaven UDPs provide an ongoing housing evidence base which is critical to informing regional land and housing policy as well as coordinating infrastructure delivery with urban development.

The new refreshed Illawarra-Shoalhaven UDP Dashboard on the NSW Planning Portal include:

  • The latest available development approvals, completions and market trends data including rental vacancy rates, median rental and sale prices.
  • Infill housing development completion forecasts.
  • Greenfield forecasts.
  • A new lots-created metric.

For more information and to view the dashboards, visit the NSW Planning Portal

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Member for Wollongong Paul Scully said:

“The new UDP Dashboard is an effective tool in monitoring the local housing supply pipeline and guide better housing outcomes.

“This tool is an interactive map which shows users important, location-specific housing information including how much land is available, development approval numbers, rents and house prices to provide a more rigorous housing supply outlook.

“It helps inform planning decisions to support our region’s growth, bringing us into line with other parts of the State where these insights are already available.”