Have your say on 15,000 homes in Greater Macarthur

21 November 2022

The community is being encouraged to have its say on two proposals to change planning rules, which could pave the way for more than 15,000 new homes in south west Sydney.

NSW Department of Planning and Environment Executive Director - Western Parkland City Catherine Van Laeren said public consultation was a vital part of the planning process.

“Walker Corporation’s proposal seeks to rezone a 1,284-hectare site in Appin for more than 12,000 homes, including affordable housing, as well as open space and new koala corridors,” Ms Van Laeren said.

“Lendlease is also looking to rezone an 876-hectare site at Gilead for up to 3,300 new homes, a school, small town centre, public open space, and important environmental conservation land, including several koala corridors.

“Both proposals have been through the new Technical Assurance Panel (TAP) process, where state agencies, councils and landowners worked together to undertake strategic investigations for these precincts. Now we’re asking the community for its feedback.”

The TAP program ensured the draft proposals: 

  • Carefully considered and implemented the advice of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer to plan for Koala corridors;
  • Responded to the proposed State Heritage listing of the Appin Massacre Cultural Landscape;
  • Included engagement with the Aboriginal community to ensure the proposals were informed by cultural values and Connecting with Country principles; and 
  • Implemented the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan. 

These sites are two of three recently announced to be assessed by the State because of their combined significance, complexity, and strong housing and environmental benefits if approved. 

A planning proposal to rezone land at North Appin will be exhibited next year.

Ms Van Laeren said the Department has also published an updated structure plan and accompanying guide that should be used in tandem with the Greater Macarthur 2040 interim plan, to guide development in the area.

“Adjustments reflect projects underway, land that’s been rezoned and work that’s happened since the last update published late last year,” she said.

To read the planning proposals and have your say by Monday 19 December 2022, visit planning.nsw.gov.au/greater-macarthur