Have your say on Harbourside redevelopment

31 August 2023

The NSW Government is seeking feedback on the next stage of the Harbourside Shopping Centre redevelopment at Darling Harbour, with plans for the public outdoor area now on exhibition.

NSW Department of Planning and Environment Executive Director Anthea Sargeant said community input was vital to inform the detailed design, construction, and operation of the open space element of the mixed-use project.

“This proposed redevelopment seeks to revitalise the broader Harbourside site to support the ongoing transformation of Darling Harbour,” Ms Sargeant said.

“Mirvac's outdoor plan includes open space around the revamped Harbourside building, along with pedestrian connections through the site and between Pyrmont and Darling Harbour.”

Ms Sargeant said this State Significant Development Application (SSDA) represents the final phase in an extensive planning, assessment and consultation process completed to date for the wider proposal.

"Community feedback will play a role in how around 13 million visitors will eventually experience and enjoy the Harbourside precinct every year," she said.

The application for the fit-out and use of the open space area around the Harbourside proposal, includes:

  • Widening and upgrades to the Waterfront Promenade;
  • Embellishments to the building’s interface with Darling Drive;
  • Fit-out and use of public elements of the building, including the Bunn Street Steps through- site link, Waterfront Steps, Pyrmont Bridge Steps, and Waterfront Garden;
  • Embellishment of the North and South Walks;
  • Construction and operation of the new Bunn Street pedestrian bridge, and embellishments to the existing Murray Street pedestrian bridge; and
  • Opportunities for heritage interpretation and public art.

The broader redevelopment includes space for 290 new apartments, including affordable housing, and is expected to support more than 3,000 direct jobs during construction.

For more information and to make a submission by Wednesday 27 September, visit: Harbourside - Bridges and Public Domain.