NSW Government speeds up rezoning process for 23,000 new homes

05 December 2024

Five planning proposals which could deliver up to 23,000 homes as well as recreation and job opportunities will be fast-tracked through the planning system under the NSW Government’s State Significant Rezoning Policy and prioritising the Social and Affordable Housing Rezoning Program.  

The new State Significant Rezoning Policy was established in September 2024 to identify and deliver strategically important rezonings and proposals that have been stuck in the planning system for an extended period of time.

This new pathway aims to cut assessment timeframes on complex planning proposal and rezonings by up to 200 days.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) will now complete assessments for rezoning proposals at Moore Point (10,742 new homes), Leppington Town Centre (10,500 new homes), Western Sydney Lakes (employment & recreation with no residential permitted), Macarthur Gardens North (1,625 new homes), and Bunnerong Road, Kingsford (185 new homes).

The NSW Government has selected these projects because of their state significance and the complexities involved in finalising their assessments. By taking the lead on rezoning proposals, DPHI can better coordinate with stakeholders and address concerns more efficiently.

An evaluation panel within DPHI assessed each of the five projects, with oversight from an independent probity advisor. This ensured the evaluation process was objective and aligned with the best interests of the NSW community.  

These new sites build on the NSW Government’s earlier announcement of state-led or state-assessed rezoning projects including Blackwattle Bay, Fitzwilliam St in Parramatta, Redmond Place Precinct in Orange, Central Place Sydney, Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore, Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, West Schofields, Parramatta Road, the Kurnell Peninsula, and Tuggerah.

For more information, visit: State Significant Rezoning Policy  

Deputy Secretary Planning and Land Use Strategy Monica Gibson said:

“The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is uniquely positioned to address these long-standing, complex rezoning challenges.

“We are committed to working with the applicants in good faith to streamline processes, cut through red-tape, and bring together key state bodies to find practical solutions.    

“Our priority is to work closely with councils and other stakeholders to advance these proposals, delivering more housing and open space options for communities across the state.”