NSW/SA electricity connection

19 January 2022

The Department of Planning and Environment is calling for community feedback on plans to construct the eastern section of the EnergyConnect interconnector between NSW and South Australia.

The Department’s Acting Executive Director of Energy, Resources & Industry Assessments, Steve O’Donoghue said community input is a vital part of the assessment process and encouraged everyone to have their say on the proposal which seeks to build a new transmission line between Buronga and Wagga Wagga, including:

  • about 540 km of new double circuit transmission line and associated infrastructure between the Buronga substation and Wagga Wagga substation;
  • a new 330 kilovolt substation about 170 km west of Wagga Wagga (to be known as Dinawan substation); and
  • an upgrade and expansion of the existing Wagga Wagga substation.

“The interconnector proposes to improve energy security and reliability between NSW and South Australia and help us transition towards a net zero future,” Mr O’Donoghue said.

“This exhibition follows the approval of the western section of the project between the NSW – South Australian border and Buronga last September and the South Australian section last December.

“Our role is to assess the application in consultation with the local community, government agencies and stakeholders and we are encouraging the community to share their views on this latest section.

“After the exhibition closes, the Department will review all community submissions received, along with feedback from other government agencies and councils as part of its rigorous assessment process.”

The community is invited to have their say on the project by Tuesday, 15 February 2022.

For more information and to provide feedback visit Project EnergyConnect (NSW - Eastern Section).