Plans for the Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection project on exhibition for community feedback

23 February 2021

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is calling for community feedback on plans to develop and operate a new 330 kV transmission connection between the approved Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro generation project in Kosciuszko National Park to the existing high voltage transmission network outside the park.

The Department’s Executive Director of Energy, Industry and Compliance Mike Young said that community input is a vital part of the assessment process and encouraged everyone to have their say on Transgrid’s proposal which seeks to deliver:

  • a new 500/330 kV substation located within Bago State Forest next to Transgrid’s existing transmission line;
  • two 330 kV double-circuit overhead transmission lines, approximately nine kilometres long, linking the Snowy 2.0 to the new substation; and
  • associated infrastructure including access tracks, site compounds, laydown areas and helipads.

“TransGrid was required to investigate alternative options for delivering the project and demonstrate how impacts on Kosciuszko National Park could be avoided and minimised through project design,” Mr Young said.

Mr Young added that these alternatives, along with a detailed assessment of the preferred design, are included in Transgrid’s Environmental Impact Statement, currently on exhibition.

“After the exhibition closes, we will review all community submissions received, along with feedback from other government agencies and councils as part of our rigorous assessment process,” he said.

“The Department’s role is to assess the application in consultation with the community, government agencies and stakeholders to achieve the best outcome for the state and the people of NSW.”

For more information and to provide feedback until Monday, 5 April 2021 visit Major Projects.