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TOD rezoning proposal

Housing is a key priority for the NSW Government. Currently, there is a shortage of diverse and affordable homes in well-located areas, close to where people live and work, and close to transport and other amenities.

With the Hornsby Town Centre masterplan approved, Hornsby was identified as a priority high growth area due to having capacity to support an increase in population and additional housing growth, close to a transport hub and other essential amenities under the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program.

Have your say on the Hornsby TOD rezoning proposal by 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024. Your feedback will help create a vibrant and thriving town centre for current and future generations.

The Hornsby TOD rezoning proposal will transform Hornsby town centre into a thriving centre for people to live, work, shop and for leisure, and builds upon the Hornsby Town Centre masterplan.

Key features

Key features of the Hornsby TOD rezoning proposal include:

  • capacity to deliver up to 5,000 new dwellings and create an additional 3,450 jobs
  • mandatory affordable housing contribution of between 5–10%, delivering between 250–500 affordable homes in perpetuity and managed by a registered Community Housing Provider
  • potential for up to 12,000 m2 of open space for new and upgraded parks, a new library, community centre, cultural and creative facilities
  • increase in tree canopy of up to 50% street coverage
  • better connectivity for walking and cycling, including road upgrades.

Have your say

View the proposal and supporting documents and make a submission on the NSW Planning Portal.

Your feedback on this draft rezoning proposal is important and will help shape the future of Hornsby.

Have your say

Information sessions

During exhibition, the department hosted a community in-person session and webinar where community members spoke to representatives from the department about the proposal and asked questions.

Webinar – 17 July 2024

The department's planning team discussed the draft rezoning proposal at the online community information session.

Proposed policy changes to streamline development assessment

We are proposing policy changes to streamline development assessment and speed up housing delivery in the 8 TOD accelerated precincts.

The proposed reforms aim to ensure a consistent approach to both rezoning and assessment across the precincts.

An explanation of intended effect (EIE) outlining the proposed changes is on exhibition for public feedback until 5 pm Friday 9 August 2024.

To see the EIE and make a submission on the proposed policy changes, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

What happens next

We’re working closely with Hornsby Shire Council to deliver the rezoning of the Hornsby TOD. Other key state government agencies, such as Transport for NSW, and technical environmental experts have also contributed to ensuring the effective planning of this proposal.

During exhibition, the department, in partnership with Hornsby Council, will consult with landowners, residents, businesses and other stakeholders to provide information to inform submissions.

Once exhibition closes, submissions will be reviewed and analysed and taken into consideration in finalising the plan, expected in quarter 4, 2024.

What has happened

In December 2023, the NSW Government announced the TOD Program to create more well-located homes close to transport, jobs and services. As part of the TOD Program, the NSW Government identified 8 Sydney transport hubs (tier one precincts) for state-led accelerated rezoning to deliver up to 47,800 new, well located, high- and mid-rise homes over the next 15 years.

We are also proposing changes to planning pathways to streamline development assessment and speed up housing delivery in TOD precincts.

Find out more and have your say on the NSW Planning Portal.

Frequently asked questions

How will traffic and congestion be managed?

The precinct is well connected to the existing road and rail network to serve the growing population.

The council has prepared a Hornsby Town Centre Transport Plan which is being exhibited as part of the rezoning package. This document identifies required traffic improvements, intersection upgrades and sets out a framework for well-located bus, train, cycling, pedestrian modes and parking.

The draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan, exhibited as part of the rezoning proposal package, addresses the funding of state transport infrastructure improvements.

What is the future development of the Transport Asset Holding Entity railway corridor site?

The department has been liaising with the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE), who own developable land around the rail station within the centre of the precinct area to determine how to maximise the potential highest and best use of this government land whilst meeting the key objectives of council’s masterplan.

This rezoning proposal will change the planning controls on the southern section of this land. A pathway for rezoning the northern section of the government owned TAHE land within the Precinct will be determined following the finalisation of this rezoning proposal.

How will open space be prioritised to support growth?

The rezoning proposal aims to deliver a series of new and enhanced public spaces within Hornsby Town Centre. These include:

  • Cenotaph Plaza: An existing space that will be expanded to create a central park space for informal meeting, reflection and community gathering.
  • Hornsby Square: An existing square that is expanded to provide a spill out for community civic buildings, outdoor eating, quick meet ups or opportunity for rest within the retail zone.
  • Burdett Street Park: A new passive green space that provides a potential landing for the new pedestrian overpass as well as a gathering and meeting place with large, grassed area, stormwater treatment devices and a range of seating.
  • A network of green links and pedestrian/cycle linkages that reinforce hierarchy of the street network, improve the urban ecology, mitigate urban heat island impact and provide for a more amenable climate within the precinct.

The proposed open spaces and green links will establish a connected network of distinct and inviting public domain spaces providing identity to the precinct and reinforcing connections within the precinct and beyond to Hornsby Park and Mark Taylor Oval.

What is the boundary for the Hornsby TOD?

The NSW Government also indicated the TOD accelerated precincts will deliver housing within 1,200 m of transport hubs. Detailed investigations have defined the precinct boundary, which is typically smaller than a 1,200m radius from transport hubs. This will enable more homes to be located within easy walking distance of key public transport hubs, promoting active transport opportunities, such as cycling and reducing reliance on other modes of personal transport.

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Draft rezoning proposal

July 2024

A draft rezoning proposal is available for public comment.

Response to submissions

Mid to late-2024

Feedback provided through the exhibition will be reviewed, and a report outlining the key themes raised during the exhibition, and what we are doing to respond, will be released.


Late 2024

The rezoning proposal is finalised and, if approved, new zoning comes into effect.