Local infrastructure contributions policy

Female friends walking in park area at Salt Pan Creek reserve in Riverwood, South Sydney NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Adam Hollingworth

Local infrastructure contributions, also known as developer contributions, are charged by councils when new development occurs. They help fund infrastructure like parks, community facilities, local roads, footpaths, stormwater drainage and traffic management.

There are 2 forms of local infrastructure contributions:

  • Section 7.11 contributions: Charged where there is a demonstrated link between the development and the infrastructure to be funded. Councils prepare contributions plans that specify what infrastructure will be provided and approximately how much it will cost. This is used to calculate a contribution rate, usually charged per dwelling or per square metre. Councils that want to charge a contributions rate above the threshold set by the minister (PDF, 290 KB) must submit their plans to IPART for independent review, amend per the minister’s advice, and approve the plans. Section 7.11 was previously known as section 94.
  • Section 7.12 levies: An alternative to s7.11 contributions and charged as a percentage of the estimated cost of the development. The maximum percentage that can be charged in most areas is 1%. A small number of areas charge a higher percentage. Section 7.12 was previously known as section 94A.

Local government administers the local infrastructure contributions system – they are best placed to understand the needs of their communities. If you have questions about specific contributions plans or contribution rates, contact the relevant council.

The state government sets the policy under which councils collect and administer contributions. This policy includes legislation, ministerial directions and practice notes. Links to the documents that make up the policy framework are at the bottom of this page.

Proposed updates to practice notes

We exhibited proposed updates to the local infrastructure contributions practice notes from 4 December 2023 until 23 February 2024. We thank those who took the time to make a submission. All feedback will be considered as we continue to refine the draft practice notes. 

You can still view the draft practice notes that were exhibited via the NSW Planning Portal. The practice notes were rewritten to modernise the guidance and make them easier to use. The updates include simplifying the language, expanding on best practice guidance and providing worked examples.


  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 – Provides the legislative framework for infrastructure contributions.
    For more details see Part 7 Division 7.1 at NSW legislation.
  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 – Provides further requirements relating to the making, amending and revocation of contributions plans, giving public notice and other procedural arrangements.
    For more details see Part 9 at NSW legislation.

New reporting requirements for local infrastructure contributions

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 has been amended to improve transparency and accountability in how infrastructure contributions are received and spent in NSW. The new reporting requirements will commence on 1 July 2022.

For more information on the new requirements, refer to the planning circular (PDF, 165 KB) and frequently asked questions (PDF, 178 KB). The amending instrument is available at NSW legislation.

Ministerial directions for local infrastructure contributions

NameDate issuedPurpose
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2021 (PDF, 756 KB)7 December 2021Permit infrastructure contributions up to the $30,000 threshold for urban release areas in Shoalhaven.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Levies – City of Sydney) Direction 2021 (PDF, 316 KB)26 November 2021To stage the introduction of the maximum 3% Section 7.12 levy under the Central Sydney Development Contributions Plan. The Ministerial Direction manages the transitional arrangements between the maximum 2% and 3% levy rates prior to 1 July 2022 when the maximum 3% levy will apply.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Further Amendment Direction 2020 (PDF, 72 KB)18 December 2020Further amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Direction 2012.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2020 (PDF, 29 KB)18 June 2020The amendment makes special provision for Blacktown and The Hills local government areas for the 6 month period starting on 1 July 2020, to cap local infrastructure contributions at $50,000 per dwelling or per residential lot.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Information) Direction 2020 (PDF, 129 KB)18 May 2020Requests certain councils to provide information relating to the delivery of public amenities and public services specified in local contributions plans, including the staging of works.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Pooling of Contributions) Direction 2020 (PDF, 111 KB)18 May 2020Facilitates the consolidation (pooling) of infrastructure contributions to accelerate the delivery of local infrastructure.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Further Amendment Direction 2019 (PDF, 240 KB)20 December 2019Further amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Direction 2012.

Initial 2012 direction is amended by 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 directions. A consolidated version of the direction is available for information only.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Further Amendment Direction 2018 (PDF, 1.9 MB)18 December 2018 
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2018 (PDF, 685 KB)23 February 2018 
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2017 (PDF, 6 MB)17 July 2017 
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2016 (PDF, 3.6 MB)14 September 2016 
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Levies) Direction 2015 (PDF, 91 KB)14 April 2016Prohibits s94A levies where a s94 contribution is required.
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Warriewood Valley) Revocation Direction 2015 (PDF, 82 KB)22 February 2015Revokes the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Warriewood Valley) Direction 2011 (PDF, 117 KB).
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Port of Newcastle) Direction 2014 (PDF, 88 KB)Issued to Newcastle Council 10 October 2014Exempts land within the lease areas of the Port of Newcastle from contributions payments (Newcastle LGA).
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Port Botany and Port Kembla) Direction 2013 (PDF, 88 KB)6 December 2013Exempts land within the lease areas of Port Botany and Port Kembla from contributions payments (Bayside, Randwick and Wollongong Local Government Areas (LGAs)).
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Hawkesbury City Council) Direction 2013 (PDF, 283 KB)24 September 2013Excludes certain items from contribution payments in the Pitt Town Residential Precinct (Hawkesbury LGA).
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Amendment Direction 2013 (PDF, 113 KB)19 June 2013 
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions) Direction 2012 (PDF, 288 KB)21 August 2012Sets a maximum amount of monetary contributions under s94.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Revocation of Direction in force under section 94E and Direction under section 94E (PDF, 35 KB)
14 September 2007Exempts payment of a contribution for development carried out under the Seniors Living SEPP where undertaken by a social housing provider.

Practice notes

The following practice notes are in place to help councils, applicants and the community understand the NSW infrastructure contributions system. They are designed to be read in conjunction with the Act, Regulations and ministerial directions.

NameDate issuedDescription
Section 7.12 fixed development consent levies (PDF, 238 KB)February 2021Practice note relating to the preparation, adoption and implementation of s7.12 plans, including criteria for metropolitan and regional councils requesting an increase to the standard maximum percentage.
Local Infrastructure Contributions - review by IPART (PDF, 356 KB)January 2019Practice note outlining the process by which a contribution plan which has a rate above the relevant threshold is reviewed by IPART.
Development Contributions – Introduction (PDF, 328 KB)July 2005Introduction to the practice notes.
Development Contributions Plans – Section 94 (now s7.11) (PDF, 932 KB)July 2005Practice note relating to the preparation, adoption and implementation of s7.11 plans, previously known as s94 plans.

Note: Practice notes on planning agreements are listed at Planning agreements policy.

Updates to these practice notes are currently on exhibition until 23 February 2024. View the updated practice notes and have your say via the NSW Planning Portal.


From time to time the department will issue circulars providing additional information on a variety of policy issues. If you would like to look at a particular circular, go to Planning system circulars.

Revoked or superseded documents

Practice notes and Ministerial Directions which have been superseded are maintained for reference. You can view superseded documents relating to local infrastructure contributions policy in the list below:

NameDate issuedDescriptionRevoked by
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Timing of Payments) Direction 2020 (PDF, 25 KB)25 June 2020To temporarily defer the payment of local infrastructure contributions and levies until the issuing of an occupation certificate for certain types of development. The direction expires on the last day of the prescribed period within the meaning of section 10.17 of the EP&A Act.The direction expired on the last day of the prescribed period within the meaning of section 10.17 of the EP&A Act. The prescribed period ended 31 March 2022.
Development Contributions Plans – Section 94A (now s7.12) (PDF, 98 KB) – Practice noteDecember 2006Practice note relating to the preparation, adoption and implementation of s7.12 plans, previously known as s94A plans.Section 7.12 fixed development consent levies (PDF, 237 KB)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Direction Under section 94E (PDF, 17 KB) (section 7.17 of the current Act)9 September 2009Exemption from payment of a contribution for development funded under Building the Education Revolution (BER) program.Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Levies) Direction 2015 (PDF, 91 KB)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Direction Under section 94E (PDF, 17 KB) (section 7.17 of the current Act)10 November 2006Development for which a s94A contribution cannot be applied and maximum percentage that can be applied.Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Levies) Direction 2015 (PDF, 91 KB)
Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Warriewood Valley) Direction 2011 (PDF, 117 KB)13 May 2011Capping of contributions in the Warriewood Valley (Pittwater Council).Environmental Planning and Assessment (Local Infrastructure Contributions – Warriewood Valley) Revocation Direction 2015 (PDF, 82 KB)