A NSW Government website

Round 3

Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund

The NSW Government has launched round 3 of the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund to support regional councils in planning for housing supply.

The $12 million competitive grants program aims to enable and accelerate the delivery of strategic planning projects, technical studies, and policies that support increased housing supply, affordability, diversity, and resilience in regional NSW.

Up to $3 million in funding is available in round 3, with funding of between $20,000 and $250,000 available for each successful project.

Round 3 applications open

We encourage councils and groups of councils, such as joint organisations of councils, to apply by 12:00 pm on 22 November 2024 for these competitive grants, which will help deliver the strategies, plans and studies needed to support the delivery of housing that meets community needs.

Apply now

Important application information

  • Applications for round 3 close at 12:00 pm on 22 November 2024.
  • We will not accept late applications unless we consider the circumstances to be exceptional.
  • We will announce successful applications in April 2025.
  • Successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement with the department. The department will pay the full allocation of funding up-front when it executes the funding agreement.

Frequently asked questions

Is my council eligible for funding?

All 95 regional NSW councils are eligible for funding. Refer to the program guidelines (PDF, 598 KB) for a list of eligible councils.

How many applications can a council submit?

A council can submit only one individual application and one joint application for a project that council is delivering in partnership with another organisation or organisations, providing that the applications are for distinct projects.

What is considered a joint project?

A joint project is a project that a council is undertaking with another organisation. This could include another council or councils, a joint organisation or a non-government organisation such as a community housing provider or local Aboriginal land council.

When filling in the application form for a joint application, applicants must provide detail on the nature of the partner organisations’ contribution to the project including any financial contributions, letters demonstrating their support for the application and how the organisations will jointly oversee and govern the project.

How much funding will be available for each project?

Funding of between $20,000 and $250,000 is available for each successful project.

What can the funding be used for?

Funding may be used towards direct project costs such as:

  • engagement of third-party professional services for the approved project
  • procurements for the approved project, such as relevant data and evidence
  • staff salaries directly for the approved project
  • community consultation costs for the approved project
  • reasonable project management costs for the approved project (no greater than 10% of total project value)
  • any other costs the department determines to be eligible.
Is the funding inclusive or exclusive of GST?

The funding is exclusive of GST and grant recipients will be responsible for funding any of their project’s GST costs. You should clearly itemise GST costs in the project budget section of your application and exclude GST costs from your funding request.

What information should I include in the application?

Projects must be scoped appropriately and supported by enough detail. This includes:

  • providing all information requested
  • addressing all eligibility and assessment criteria
  • providing all necessary attachments and evidence to support the application, such as quotes for any consultant work, detail and costings of expected staff activities and hours towards the project, and relevant strategies or frameworks that the project aligns with.

To find out more about what needs to be included in the application, read the program guidelines (PDF, 598 KB) and application guide (PDF, 142 KB) and go to the SmartyGrants portal to view the application form.

What evidence is required for the project budget? Can councils provide estimates of costs rather than detailed quotes?

We strongly encourage applicants to seek detailed quotes wherever possible to support their application. We will accept an estimation for any costs where you are unable to obtain detailed quotes before the application deadline. Your application should indicate which costs have been estimated and provide supporting documentation that outlines how you arrived at the estimate in as much detail as possible.

If you are proposing using program funding towards direct staff costs for the project or have included council staff costs in your co-contribution, you will need to provide detailed costings of expected staff activities and hours towards the project.

Council is applying for funding for a local housing strategy/planning proposal preparation that may require future department endorsement. Will funded projects need to receive this endorsement for the grant to be successfully acquitted?

Projects that require the department’s endorsement in the future will still need to go through normal assessment and review by the department outside of the fund’s reporting and acquittal process. We encourage councils to engage as early as possible with the relevant regional team to seek guidance and support on their projects.

To successfully demonstrate project completion under the grant program, councils will need to show they have met their final milestones under the funding agreement.

Can councils who received funding in previous rounds apply again in round 3?

Councils can apply for funding in round 3 regardless of whether they were successful or unsuccessful in rounds 1 and 2. Councils who received funding in round 1 and/or round 2 can apply in round 3 provided they are seeking funding for a new project and not additional funding for a project that has already received funding.

My council was unsuccessful in rounds 1 and 2. Can we apply for funding for the same project for round 3?

Yes. Unsuccessful councils should refer to the feedback on their previous applications and the application guide for further information on how to improve your application. The department can provide general advice during the application period regarding changes to your project or application as well as feedback from the expert assessment panel on your unsuccessful round 1 and/or round 2 application.

How will the department ensure an equitable and geographic spread of program funding in round 3?

The program has a competitive merit-based selection process, meaning all applications will be assessed on their merits against the program criteria, including alignment to the program aims and objectives, strategic alignment and project impact. However, when the panel makes its funding recommendations it may prioritise councils that have not already received funding under the program and whose applications meet the assessment criteria in order to ensure an equitable and geographic spread of program funding. The panel will also consider how well any previously funded RHSPF projects were delivered and whether any project delays from previous rounds will affect the delivery of a project applied for in this round.

My council has already secured funding for all the projects in our strategic planning work program through our own budget and/or other funding sources. Can we still apply for funding?

Councils with other sources of funding for their project, including council funding and funding from other sources such as grants or partnerships, will need to demonstrate in their application that the round 3 funding sought will be used to complement or expand the scope of the project, increase its impacts or benefits or accelerate delivery of the project.

As part of your application, you must disclose all sources of funding for the project, including whether your project is currently being considered for funding by any other funding bodies or under any other grant programs.

When do applications close for round 3?

Applications open on 3 October 2024 and close at 12:00 pm on Friday 22 November 2024.

What support is available to councils during the application process?

To help you prepare your application, review the fact sheet (PDF, 117 KB), program guidelines (PDF, 598 KB) and application guide (PDF, 142 KB). If you need further support, email the program team at [email protected]

If you are having difficulty with your application on the SmartyGrants system, refer to the help guide for applicants.

To contact SmartyGrants:

When will we hear if our round 3 application was successful?

Successful round 3 projects will be announced in April 2025.

What will successful applicants need to do once the round 3 funding decisions have been announced?

Successful applicants will receive a funding agreement that sets out:

  • their obligations
  • the schedule of project milestones based on the project plan in the application
  • agreement on project governance arrangements
  • mandatory progress and financial reporting to the department.

You will have until 28 April 2025 to return the signed funding agreement and an invoice for the payment of the grant to the department. Provided you meet this deadline, the department will execute the funding agreement and pay you the grant funding by 6 June 2025.

The guidelines state that funded projects will need to start by 10 June 2025. What will successful applicants have to do to demonstrate project commencement?

‘Project commencement’ will be defined in the funding agreement based on the tasks and milestones from the project plan in the grant recipient’s application.

The tasks and milestones for commencing a project may differ for each project and could include preparatory work and project planning. For example, we may ask you to begin developing detailed scoping documents or a statement of requirements to enable you to issue a request for tender to secure professional services to deliver the funded project, or hold a project inception meeting and begin investigations and studies.

What were the outcomes from rounds 1 and 2?

Visit round 1 and round 2 for more information.

For more information about the grant program, email the program team at [email protected]