Wait Time Reduction Scheme

The scheme helps to triage projects for review and keeps wait time at acceptable levels

Person running along a path in Sydney Park in Alexandria NSW. Credit: Andrew Cowan

The Wait Time Reduction Scheme for the NSW State Design Review Panel limits wait times for private projects on private land.

The scheme aims to:

  • keep wait times acceptable
  • help to triage projects through to design review
  • target the largest and most impactful projects and fast track them for design review
  • ensure the State Design Review Panel program remains fit for purpose and keep the program running to time.

Scheme conditions

The scheme includes requirements for private projects going through the State Design Review Panel program.

The requirements are that:

  • projects must meet or exceed the specified State Design Review Panel capital investment value/estimated development cost threshold
  • projects will have a limit of 2 reviews by the State Design Review Panel, except for concept plans or projects seeking significant changes to planning controls
  • applicants will wait a maximum of 12 weeks for a review.

Projects that don’t meet the above requirements may not require design review by the panel. This will be confirmed when you engage with the department.

Scheme operation

To participate in the scheme:

  • Make an application through the State Design Review Panel portal for your first panel session.
  • You will receive a notification giving either the date of your first scheduled session or advice that no sessions are available within 12 weeks.
  • For a second review, use your existing application in the State Design Review Panel portal to request a date for a second panel session. The date for this session should be a minimum of 8 weeks after the first session.

More than 2 reviews may be required for concept plans and projects seeking significant changes to planning controls.

A limit of 2 reviews applies to all other private sector projects.

Alternative design review processes

The Wait Time Reduction Scheme helps to triage important projects through to design review. It also means some projects won’t need review by the State Design Review Panel. In such cases and if required, applicants may receive design advice direct from the department as part of the assessment process.

Projects must still demonstrate good design according to the 7 objectives in the Better Placed framework and design excellence according to relevant planning policy.

Frequently asked questions

What if I need to cancel my State Design Review Panel booking?

We strongly encourage applicants to keep their original bookings. However, you can change your booking through the State Design Review Panel portal. You will be offered the next available session. The 12-week booking policy applies to all rescheduled bookings from the date of the booking change.

What if I don’t have a confirmed project capital investment value/estimated development cost?

The design review of a project is most effective when the evaluation is done early in the design process. If values or costs are unclear, we encourage applicants to have their projects reviewed by the State Design Review Panel when estimated values or costs are close to the thresholds.

My project is under the thresholds for private projects. Do I still need to apply for a State Design Review Panel review?

When projects are under the capital investment value/estimated development cost thresholds or do not meet any of the other scheme conditions, applicants should not apply for a State Design Review Panel review. Refer to the ‘Scheme conditions’ section above.

When a project applicant requests the Planning Secretary's environmental assessment requirements or submits an environmental impact statement, they will be instructed to apply for a State Design Review Panel review if the certified costings indicate the project meets or is higher than the thresholds.

My project is under the thresholds, but an environmental planning instrument or planning approval re quires design review. Do I still need to apply for a State Design Review Panel review?

Yes. Projects that require design review under relevant planning legislation or a planning approval  must apply for a review by the State Design Review Panel.

My Planning Secretary's environmental assessment requirements say I must have design review, but my project is under the thresholds. What should I do?

You will be advised if your project doesn’t meet the capital investment value/estimated development cost thresholds and that a State Design Review Panel review is not required pre-lodgement. Provide this correspondence when submitting an environmental impact statement or engaging in any other planning process.

My Planning Secretary's environmental assessment requirements say I must go through design review but there are no sessions available within 12 weeks. What should I do?

When you applied through the SDRP portal you would have been notified that there were no session times available, and that design review is now not required. Provide this correspondence when submitting an environmental impact statement or engaging in any other planning process.

How does the State Design Review Panel program apply to residential developments?

All residential developments that meet the thresholds must apply for design review.

For residential development seeking infill affordable housing bonuses, the requirement for design review will be confirmed as part of the mandatory scoping meeting.

Contact us

For more information on the scheme or design review process, email the Government Architect NSW team at [email protected]