Housing is a Verb

Terrace design winners – Other Architects, NMBW Architecture Studio, TARN, Winsor Kerr, Andy Fergus and Tony Isaacson

Artist's impression of a modern, 2-storey home with a corrugated iron roof. The house has large windows and doors, and a native garden.

The design reimagines terrace housing as a flexible, modular set-up with multiple options for internal room planning to suit personal preferences.

It starts with a basic home that can be expanded with extra floors or separate buildings as needed and as budget allows. Outdoor areas are a top priority, featuring plenty of sunlight, fresh air and green spaces.

The design shows how terrace housing can be easily adapted for diverse households.

Why they won

  • A flexible design that starts with a basic home. The home can be customised easily to add additional height, or separate structures, as budget and family needs allow.
  • The design supports multiple room planning options to suit personal preferences and needs.
  • It uses simple forms and materials, suitable for common and accessible building methods.
  • Emphasises sunlight, shade, ventilation, and sustainability.
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