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Special activation precincts explained

Mural on a local store located on Heber Street in Moree. Credit: Destination NSW

Special activation precincts are areas in regional NSW that bring together planning and investment to boost jobs and economic activity.

The precincts are designed to support industries in line with the competitive advantages and economic strengths of each area.

A town may qualify for a special activation precinct if either:

We are responsible for preparing the planning framework for each special activation precinct.

Within special activation precincts, most eligible projects can be completed as complying or exempt development, reducing time and cost for investors.

The Department has developed a list of approved hazard specialists (PDF, 160 KB), to prepare technical studies for potentially hazardous development under the complying development provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts—Regional) 2021, Chapter 3. The Department has also prepared a Potentially Hazardous Development Guideline (PDF, 220 KB) which outlines the process, timing and responsibilities associated with approvals under this provision.

Forming special activation precincts

Government led-studiesWe conduct technical studies to develop each precinct’s master plan. This ensures land uses and development occur in the right places and removes the burden from investors wanting to grow or start a business.
Fast-track planningOnce the master plan and other planning instruments are endorsed, streamlined approval processes become available to investors. These may include exempt and complying development pathways.
Government-led developmentEach precinct will have a delivery plan to go with its master plan. The Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation will coordinate delivery to ensure orderly development, sensitive to market drivers, landowners and infrastructure delivery.
Infrastructure developmentGovernment will invest in new or upgraded roads, water, power, digital connectivity and social infrastructure for each precinct, removing barriers to investment.
Business conciergeThe Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation offers concierge services to targeted business to help them establish and grow.