A NSW Government website

Key achievements

Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan

The update outlines key achievements in carrying out the CPCP’s commitments and actions as of 17 August 2023.

Conservation lands

  • Purchased 9 properties covering 180 hectares of conservation land.
  • Purchased credits equivalent to 49 hectares of Cumberland Plain Woodland.

Protecting koalas and securing conservation land

  • Transferred 54 hectares of NSW-owned land to establish the Georges River Koala Reserve.
  • Constructed safe fauna crossing at Kings Fall Bridge.


  • 2 grants in partnership with Western Sydney's Aboriginal communities, $1 million to NSW Aboriginal Land Council and $710,000 to YARPA.
  • $1,800,000 grant to University of Western Sydney to develop a draft CPCP research strategy.

Ecological restoration

  • Delivered 6 hectares of assisted reconstruction to restore koala habitat and improve the condition of Cumberland Plain Woodland.
  • Finalised restoration strategy with input from CPCP Restoration Strategy Working Group.

Engaging with communities and stakeholders

  • Responded to 376 community queries on CPCP.
  • Delivered CPCP spatial mapping and guidance.
  • Established 5 working groups (koala, restoration, weed, pest control and council) and participated in the Sydney Weeds Network.

Caring for Country

  • Publicly exhibited 2 draft strategies – Caring for Country and Research Strategy.
  • Informed over 300 Aboriginal community members, businesses and organisations about the Caring for Country Strategy.
  • Engaged with over 150 Aboriginal community members.