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Williamtown Special Activation Precinct

Aeroplanes at the Williamtown RAAF base.

The Williamtown Special Activation Precinct was subject to the 2023 NSW Government's Strategic Infrastructure Review.

The purpose of the review was to ensure capital expenditure delivers maximum benefit to citizens of NSW and is aligned with the government's strategic objectives and priorities including increasing housing supply in regional NSW.

Following consideration of the review's findings, the NSW Government has decided not to proceed with this project.

The decision was made on the basis that the funding needed to address the complex hydrology, flooding and drainage issues made the development cost prohibitive.

What happens now

The NSW Government will continue to work closely with the Department of Defence, Port Stephens Council and Newcastle Council around planning and delivery for Astra Aerolab and the expansion of Newcastle airport.

The decision not to proceed with the special activation precinct means that land will not be rezoned, therefore landowners’ current land uses remain as is and they may lodge development applications in accordance with current planning pathways.

We appreciate the time landowners, stakeholders and the community have spent engaging with us during the master planning phase.

The department will publish a finalisation report from the master plan process featuring the 2 exhibition periods.

More information

For more information, go to the NSW Planning Portal.