Quarterly Insights Monitor Q1

July to September 2022

Houses under construction in a new housing development area.


  • 2022 population projections show that NSW needs to deliver around 45,200 homes per year over the next 20 years to meet growing demand (that’s 904,000 new homes in total).
  • Since 2016, NSW has consistently completed more than 47,000 dwellings each year, but we now face challenges in the construction sector and broader economic conditions.
  • In the first quarter of the 2022-23 financial year, the NSW Housing Package was announced. To end of September, over 2,500 rezoning lots were approved, and over 30,000 dwellings were approved under state significant development, regionally significant development or local development applications.
  • The latest data shows that NSW continues to have the highest number of dwellings under construction (77,571 in June 2022).

NSW will need an additional 904,000 homes over the next 20 years to house its growing population.

Historic housing delivery in NSW has been impacted by changes in economic growth and migration, as well as market factors such as access to financing and construction material availability.

The department is tracking progress across all 5 stages of the housing supply pipeline.

The department is assessing recommendations from the recent flood inquiry and impacts for planning in relation to flood-prone land.