Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor
The new approach to precinct planning in NSW means a change of approach to planning for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor.
Environmental factors
Over time, climate change will increase heavy rainfall and the risk and impact of flooding. It will also make the air temperature warmer.
Building locations and heights
The location and position of buildings on the Waterloo south block will help to minimise the shadow falling on outdoor areas, existing homes and new homes.
Streets and traffic flow
The plan includes changes to streets, walkways and cycleways to improve traffic flow and make it easier to move around.
Housing mix
The plan for Waterloo south includes a mix of social housing, affordable housing and private homes.
We worked with the council, NSW Land and Housing Corporation and the community in rezoning the Telopea Precinct to support a vibrant and cohesive community.
Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek and Wianamatta-South Creek precincts
The Aerotropolis Core is a Parkland City with a dense urban neighbourhood focused on the new metro station and Wianamatta-South Creek creek system.
Northern Gateway precinct
The Northern Gateway precinct will provide important links north into the greater Penrith area via major transport infrastructure.
Trees and sunlight
The tree canopy in Waterloo south is currently 29%. This is expected to increase to around 40%, once development is complete.
Luddenham Village Interim Strategy
We are working with the community to investigate a sustainable future for the Luddenham Village.