Bayside West Precincts
We want to create vibrant, attractive and well-connected communities, where people can live and work with good access to public transport, community facilities, open spaces, shops and cafes.
Wilton 2040
Wilton in 2040 will be a landmark area in the Western Parkland City where the local community and businesses are flourishing.
Wilton Greenfield Housing Code
The Wilton Greenfield Housing Code is a fast-track complying development pathway to speed up the delivery of new homes.
South East Wilton
We want to create thriving, attractive and well-connected communities, where people can live and work with good access to public transport, community facilities, open spaces, shops and cafes.
Wilton Town Centre
The Wilton Town Centre Precinct will be the residential, retail, commercial and entertainment core of the Wilton Growth Area.
North Wilton
We are planning for thriving, attractive and well-connected communities to add to the pipeline of new homes needed for a growing Greater Sydney.
Feedback on the proposed low- and mid-rise reforms
In response to the public consultation, we received nearly 8,000 submissions. Councils made 49 and 143 submissions came from peak bodies and community groups.
Apartment Design Guide
The Apartment Design Guide provides consistent planning and design standards for apartments across the state.
Better apartments
Promoting better apartment design through the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (SEPP 65).
Transport Oriented Development Program
Transport Oriented Development encourages sustainable, mixed-use development around transport nodes. It aims to create vibrant and walkable communities.