Broken Hill will soon be home to a new $80 million 50 mega-watt battery that could power the town’s 10,000 homes as needed after receiving NSW Governm...
A proposal for simple and strict rules that provide upfront transparency for the community and speed up construction of warehouses in the Moorebank In...
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is encouraging the community to have its say on the construction of a new residential, commercial...
A new approach to considering the impacts of major projects on people will be adopted by the NSW Government, to ensure consistency and better outcomes...
The planning system will be faster, easier to use and more transparent thanks to the delivery of a raft of new reforms aimed at improving the assessme...
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is encouraging the community to have its say on a plan to construct a new commercial building abo...
The Waterloo Metro Quarter will get an injection of thousands of new jobs, as a result of changes approved by the Department of Planning, Industry and...
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is inviting the community to have its say on whether the Hawkins and Rumker areas near Mud...