Infrastructure Contributions Reform update
In October 2021, the Department of Planning and Environment exhibited a package of reforms to implement recommendations made by the Productivity Commission, following its review into infrastructure contributions.
New stables to support Newcastle Racecourse
Race days at Newcastle Racecourse will gallop ahead after the jockey club received state planning approval for a new stables complex on the site.
Help improve the great outdoors across NSW
Residents across NSW are being encouraged to help shape the future of open spaces.
Green light for new homes and national park expansion in Shoalhaven
Nearly 400 homes could be built in the Shoalhaven and hundreds of hectares of land dedicated to a national park, under a planning proposal approved today.
Leda Manorstead conviction upheld
A property developer on the state’s north coast will have to pay $170,000 in fines, after the Court of Criminal Appeal upheld a conviction that found the company had breached its consent conditions.
Warragamba Dam proposal declared Critical State Significant Infrastructure
A proposal to raise the Warragamba Dam wall by 14 metres has been declared Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI), as it is deemed essential to NSW for economic and social reasons.
New opportunity to provide feedback on Warragamba Dam proposal
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment is now seeking further community input on the proposal to raise Warragamba Dam wall, with the release of Water NSW’s response to submissions and a Preferred Infrastructure Report.
Proposed policy changes support those in need
More affordable housing could be delivered, empty buildings and vacant land used to provide accommodation to tackle homelessness, and social housing could be rolled out faster, as part of a raft of policy changes on public exhibition today.
Have your say on 15,000 homes in Greater Macarthur
The community is being encouraged to have its say on 2 proposals to change planning rules, paving the way for more than 15,000 new homes in south west Sydney.
Proposed new approach to rezoning
The department exhibited a discussion paper on a new approach to rezoning for feedback from 15 December 2021 until 28 February 2022.